Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's BIG PROBLEM: Tolls and his lies about them.

Here's the problem for The Liar:

We have a guy who has done everything he can to get a bridge replaced and loot rail jammed down our throats when we don't want either.

That's a problem, of course, but not a political problem, because the other candidate, Royce Pollard, has done precisely the same thing.

Both of these clowns have worked to waste tens of millions of dollars on a study to achieve an outcome that I could have provided for $20.

We do not need to get the I-5 Bridge replaced, period. But replacing it is the only way to get loot rail into downtown Vancouver, an option already rejected by the voters, 70-30, over a decade ago... and, of course, the primary reason these scum won't ask us now.... they know we'd reject it again.

So, we have precisely two candidates who want precisely the same thing in the face of the massive, overwhelming opposition to the issue in question.

The Liar's problem is this: how can he portray himself as someone who wants the bridge, but who wants to tap in to the anti-bridge, anti-toll sentiment that got Tom Mielke, Republican, elected in the midst of a blue tide? When it comes to positions and outcomes, both candidates are precisely the same. So, how does The Liar find a way to separate himself from Pollard?

I know ! I know! (Hand waving frantically) Even though Tim "The Liar" KNOWS this bridge MUST have tolls to be built, he can market himself as being AGAINST TOLLS!

Tim "The Liar" already knows there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THIS THING CAN BE BUILT WITHOUT TOLLS, but when it's built, he can go around taking credit for at least TRYING to avoid tolling of a population that can't afford it.

Well, you would think that if Tim "The Liar" was a man of principle and integrity, why, why.... why, he'd step right up and say "if this thing has tolls on it, then count me out."

That's what you'd EXPECT a man of "integrity" or "principle" to say... wouldn't you?

Well, what did Tim "The Liar" say when asked about that very thing?

In an interview afterward, Leavitt said he intends to press the federal government to pick up the cost of the $3.2 billion project. "Tolls are still not on the table for me," he said. When pressed to say whether he’d rule out supporting a new bridge if a toll became unavoidable, Leavitt indicated he wouldn’t go that far.

"I’m not an obstructionist," he said.

Nor are you a man, you slimy weasel.

Effectively, the outcome is the same. That is, if the bridge that both candidates want gets built, then there WILL be tolls, and both candidates will support those tolls.

The DIFFERENCE is that Pollard, as much as I dislike his politics, has the balls to stand by his position of tolling everything in sight without lying about it.

Tim "The Liar" on the other hand, has EXACTLY the SAME positions... but packages himself in a different way to try and fool the voter into believing he's actually opposed to tolls, when in reality, it makes no difference to him, one way or the other.

And that makes Tim "The Lair" despicable scum.

We do not need this bridge to be replaced. Those screaming the loudest to replace it are those least likely to need to cross such a bridge, and, therefore, are those least likely to PAY for such a bridge. And, as both Pollard and Leavitt and the despicable rag that is our paper have demonstrated: how easy it is to demand something that others will both pay for and MUST use, if such a demand will get what they want.

When Leavitt continues to bang his "no tolls, but I'll still support the bridge even if there ARE tolls" drum, he's a lying, lowlife scumbag every time his slimy lips move.

Personally, I agree with Tom Koenninger about as often as I win the lottery. But this time, his take on the tolling issue and the even remote possibility of building this lipstick-covered pig without tolls has a great deal of factual information contained within.

That Koenninger would still want this piece of garbage built in spite of the horrific costs, considering that the construction of such a bridge replacement would accomplish ABSOLUTELY NOTHING save for providing the most horrifically expensive loot rail project in the history of the fricken universe, however, is a subject for another post.

Leavitt is a lying, low life scumbag, and he needs to get his political ass kicked for his lies come this November.

Of course, when you surround yourself with other lying, low life scumbags, like Steve "I'll take those 30 pieces of silver, Mr. Barnett" Stuart, I guess your conduct and outcomes are inevitable.

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