Monday, September 28, 2009

There's a certain level of irony in these so-called Bridge/loot rail workshops.

So, the planners want to hear from us on light rail stations, etc... and presumably, they can continue to ignore us... but placate us with how "public" the process has been.

The utter nonsense of it all.... the irony, if you will, is that we, the people, don't want any of it.

It's not unlike the condemned man getting the privilege of picking out the rope that will be used to hang him.

The end result is the same: how he gets dead doesn't really matter.

The powers that be, ignoring the needs and want of the people they dominate and ignore, want us to believe we've actually had a say. Using another analogy, it's much like polling the passengers on the Titanic after everyone felt that little "bump" in the ice field as to what pattern of china goes best with the silverware.

It astounds me that we seem to have abrogated our ability to just say "no" to this massive, unneeded waste of billions of our hard-earned dollars. The monumental arrogance of our public servants, those who, allegedly, work for US seem to have become confused as to their station in life.

Are they, in facts, servants of the public? Or has the worm turned, so to speak, so we find ourselves working for, and paying for, those self-same servants? So far, we're a $100 million plus buried into this unbelievable heap of steaming crap, wasted on studies and consultants as they busily vacuum up the taxpayer's dollar.

We have a multi-billion dollar project that we have to pay for being rammed down our throats. Tim "The Liar" Leavitt tries to make political hay out of this situation by lying about his position on tolls... the unions stand to get paid off and we stand to see a $100,000,000 hole blown in our local economy for the next several decades as a result.

Man... I bet these scum are proud.

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