Monday, September 28, 2009

An exception to political talk on this blog: Seattle Seahawk uniforms: In the Name of God, stop.

There is no doubt in my military mind that these are the butt-ugliest pieces of uniform crap I have ever seen.
These are so God-awful that John Laird's writing looks good in comparison.
These are so God-awful that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's nose grew one inch SHORTER instead of 5 feet longer just by looking at these uniforms.
These are so God-awful that Lou Brancaccio's wreaking rank hypocrisy smells like pure manure instead of the chemically enhanced variety he usually trowels out.
I'm from Seattle. I've been a Seahawk fan as long as there have BEEN Seahawks. I've even played football; from little league, thru military, thru a brief stint as a tackling dummy in college. And I HAVE seen some UGLY uniforms. But THIS... this uniform is so ugly, it made my LCD screen melt even BEFORE we lost to Chicago.
Burn them.
Jack Patera is spinning in his grave. And if Jack isn't dead, I'm sure that once he dies, the mere THOUGHT of these ass-ugly uniforms will MAKE him spin in his grave.
Even Oregun's moronic turd uniforms look better... and until this leprechaun-green crap came out, I didn't think that was possible.

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