Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Sunday, another steaming pile of John Laird Columbian crap.

The local rag continues to cement their reputation as having a death wish when it comes to surviving in our struggling economy.

The rag, which portrays itself as some sort of even-keeled purveyor of news, has had at least 2 consecutive fringe-left whack jobs as their last editorial page editors: Michael Heywood, who, after leaving the Columbian became the editor of the newsletter for the Clark County democrat party, and their current Marxist, John Laird.

Laird is a lying scumbag. The irony that this despicable stain on journalism would allow such a moron to have a platform that enables him to lie, to attack, to insult and belittle, cannot be lost on this blogger.

Was it just a few days ago that Lightening Lou Brancaccio, the inmate in charge of that particular asylum, did a column where he was so hypocritically whining and sniveling about the message delivery?

At what point, many wonder, does the way in which we deliver the message become the message? And when the delivery becomes the message, can anyone hear the real message?

Does calling the president a liar or a Marxist move the health care discussion forward?

Can we disagree with someone without being disagreeable?

We all should think about how we treat others. How our message is delivered.

So.... how come the standard that Lou so hypocritically would apply to us is so ignored within the confines of the morass that HE runs?

Why doesn't he apply that standard to the people that work for him?

Why doesn't he reign in that lying scumbag?

Does calling Governor Palin a liar move any discussion forward? Is it OK for leftists to call Bush every conceivable name, but then have you climb up on the platform of civility?

Does Laird HAVE to be such a lying asshole with every column?

Why is it that YOU don't give a damn about how YOU, or YOUR people, "treat others?"

Laird is a total leftist. He appears to be genetically incapable of being any of those things you sniveled about when it comes to everyone else.

He lies like the scumbag he is in the very first paragraph of his weekly, fringe left, propaganda.

Where in the world did Sarah Palin come up with that ghastly "death panels" term, you ask? Well, she made it up. And this from a woman who on July 26 admonished the media: "Stop making things up!"

You know, I do apologise for constantly referring to Laird as scum. "Scum," as a word, is quite inadequate to describe the rank hypocrisy of this stain on our community. To use the term "scum" is to do a disservice to the word.

It is a shame that, in fact, the embarrassment that is our local paper could, in fact, be a force for good.

They could be a voice for the people. They could hold politicians accountable, regardless of party. They could put the will of the people ahead of their own agenda.

Unfortunately for us, they are none of those things. This rag is a cancer in our community, and it is sincerely hoped that they will disappear like the used toilet paper they really, really are.


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