Friday, September 25, 2009

There are times I am ashamed to have been in the Army and this is one of them: Watada gets over.

The Seattle PI web site is reporting that 1LT Ehren Watada is being allowed to resign during the first week of October.

You remember, Watada, don't you? He's that scumbag that bailed out on his men and his unit to avoid deploying.

While he's getting an "Other then Honorable" discharge (does anyone have any doubt that the ACORN-in-Chief will get it upgraded so this scumbag gets his benefits?) that doesn't come close to what he SHOULD be getting.... which is shot.

While he will, no doubt, be lionized by the fringe-left... the SAME fringe left that has so hypocritically been absent and mostly silent in the face of the empty-suit's mishandling of the war, one can only hope that he'll become so depressed because of his shame that he do us all a favor.

This waste of skin should never have been commissioned. And meekly letting this scumbag go when, at the very least, he should be spending the rest of his life in prison, the Army shames all of us that deployed to where-ever we were needed and where-ever we were sent without abandoning either our troops or our voluntarily assumed responsibilities.

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