Saturday, September 26, 2009

The contrast of a local hero, Ryan Job, with scum like Watada.

Word has reached us of the passing of Ryan Job of Issaquah, WA.

Ryan enlisted in the Navy to be the finest. He wanted to be, and ultimately became, a SEAL.

During a tour in Iraq in 2006... serving his country... a sniper's bullet hit and shattered his rifle. Pieces of the rifle tore into his face, destroying one eye and the retinal nerves of the other, blinding Mr. Job forever.

Mr. Job became a spokesman for the Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation, an organization dedicated to assisting the severely wounded Veteran injured on or after September 11.

Watada remembered September 11 as well. It allegedly motivated him to enlist and subsequently become commissioned via Officer's Candidate School in 2003.

He served a tour in Korea and was assigned to Ft. Lewis. He then found out his unit was subject to deployment to Iraq, and at that point began to look for ways to dump his responsibilities to his men, his unit, the Army and his country.

Infected by fringe-leftist cowardice, the scumbag refused to deploy in 2006. While he should have been court-martialled and shot for cowardice, instead, somehow, the court martial was screwed up, and this pimple on the Army's ass will be, at least temporarily, kicked to the curb for his cowardice with an "other than honorable" discharge.

That this "man" could have become an officer in the United States Army goes to show that no system is perfect. His bogus, whiny, sniveling little piggy way to avoid getting shot at SHOULD have been his primary consideration BEFORE he swore the oath.

Watada is a disgrace. He was an officer.

Ryan was a hero, who was first severely wounded and later died doing what he believed in.

God Bless the entire Job family, and my condolences to his parents, brother and pregnant wife.

Watada.... I hope you rot in hell.

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