Friday, September 25, 2009

Why we need a military response to Iran immediately.

Leftists and other Iran supporters are all about a "measured response." They want "sanctions" and other garbage like that to get Iran to behave on the nuclear issue... and, perhaps, others as well.

Can someone.... anyone... tell me when "sanctions" have EVER worked.... ANYWHERE?

What did "sanctions" do to Saddam and his policies? What did "sanctions" do against Japan? What have "sanctions" done against the NorK's?

The reason that Iran is ignoring the rest of the world, particularly now, is because they rightfully believe that the rest of the world lacks the will to DO anything to stop them.

Iran believes that they hold their foot on the oil hose in the middle east. They believe that the rest of the world is powerless and terrified because of the threat of cutting off our oil.

The simple idiot in the White House plays into that perfectly by refusing to open up every possible area in the United States for exploration and drilling. As a result, we've done NOTHING to gain energy independence... and ARE doing nothing to gain that independence... precisely as the Iranians and the rest of the oil producers KNOW we won't.

So... why should Iran behave? Why should they end their military nuclear program, when they know we lack the will, if not the capacity, to FORCE them to do end it?

We have a gutless leader in the White House, incapable of taking the tough stand and equally incapable of making the case to the American people that we ALL need to sacrifice in the name of our security.

He doesn't want to be the bearer of bad news. He doesn't want to be the next George Bush.

And many of us are going to die as a result.

"Sanctions?" Iran treats such threats with the contempt they deserve. The Russians will say anything, but do nothing. The Chinese will foster Iranian intransigence under the "confusion to our enemies" rule... and Americans will continue to die.

Yeah.... sanctions. Sanction the hell out of these people, and watch them laugh out loud at our rank stupidity... while they continue to build their nukes.

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