Friday, August 28, 2009

Why are gays and the left so terrified about the will of the people?

Democracy is a precious thing. Millions of us served in the military to defend the will and the ability to express that will at the polls.

Typically leftist scum do all they can to silence that will, such as the cities of Everett and Vancouver when they sued the voters into silence over downtown redevelopment; here, locally, while our despicable waste of wood pulp cheered them on.

Arrogant governments and newspapers; again, like that stain on the science of journalism and the morons running for Mayor of Vancouver, don't WANT to know what the people they would govern want, because of a deep-seated and accurate fear that they are out of touch and that their agenda's bear no resemblance to the agendas of the people.

Now the people are demanding the opportunity to roll back the gay marriage dreams of Seattle liberal Sen Ed Murray and Vancouver fringe-leftist Rep. Jim Moeller.

So, we go through a cumbersome, time consuming and technical referendum process, in this case, Referendum 71, to allow THE PEOPLE to vote on this issue.

It LOOKS like the necessary signatures were gathered to make this happen, leftist slime efforts notwithstanding.

So, what do these scum do?

Instead of fighting it out in the court of public opinion... instead of allowing THE PEOPLE to speak to the issue, These scum file suit.

And, for you more bigoted leftists out there, I don't call them "scum" because they're gay or support the gay agenda... I don't really give a damn about that.

What I DO give a damn about is having our ability to speak to these issues... ANY issues, restricted by special interests scumbags that don't care about OUR rights.

And that is precisely what's happening here.

Hopefully, the courts will share my view, and the scum attempting to thwart our right to speak to these issues will be tossed out on their fringe-left asses.

But in this state... it's hard to say. Sometimes, there is a vast difference between doing the legal thing and doing what the courts demand.

We will see.

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