Friday, August 28, 2009

Meanwhile, why is it that Leavitt is surrounded by Megacasino supporters... and what is his position on that?

So, as I look at the Pollard-Leavitt issue, and I have to ask myself: Why are the Barmett/Paskenta/Mohegan/Cowlitz megacasino slime coalescing around Leavitt?

We all know Clark County Commissioner Steve "I can be bought for $100,000 from David Barnett" Stuart's take on the megacasino: he has always been a supporter, and almost got away with scamming us on that bogus "recision" agreement that the criminal types found so exciting.

We're all familiar with former Clark County Commissioner Betty Sue Morris, a commissioner who sold us out to Barnett and screwed us with an MOU that she should be ashamed of.

And Heather Melton, Commissioner Steve "Yeah, Barnett Owns Me" Stuart's fiance'.

These three seem to be working double overtime to get Leavitt elected. Why?

Neither Pollard nor Leavitt should be in elective office. But Pollard, after initially getting hosed by the Barnetts, at least has taken the right position to fight this monstrosity that Stuart, Morris and Melton are doing their best to sell us out over.

What's Leavitt's position? Are these 3 supporting this casket salesman because he'll do what he can to get the megacasino in here?

The whole world's watching, Tim. Where are you on the megacasino?

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