Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XX) So... disagree with the Cowardman on video, and you're relegated to a "rant."

Leave it to that despicable roll of toilet paper to denigrate a Baird constituent... or anyone disagreeing with their leftist bent.

The Columbian continues to take credit for a video now all over YouTube as if they produced, directed and uploaded it. They did not.

That said, words have meaning. For example, when I characterize this worthless rag as a stain on journalism, that means something. So when this scumbag waste of pulp characterizes David Hedrick's lecture to the Cowardman during the Dog and Pony show at the Amphitheater as a "rant," that is a deliberate act, done to belittle Hedrick as these clowns continue to take a dump on the science of journalism in their quest to rehabilitate the Cowardman's destroyed image.

For most of the leftist scum, their leaders, including our Cowardman, our two US Senators, and that waste of skin destroying this country from the White House have never set foot in uniform. Their failure to serve speaks to a commonality of cowardice shared by most leftists who think far too little of their country to ever engage in the inconvenience of actually serving it.

This newspaper continues to mislead, and continues to counter the facts of the matter with their ongoing effort to get us all past the Cowardman's cowardly failure to face us by mischaracterizing Cowardman's efforts at damage control.

They wrote:
Kelly Love, Baird's district office manager, said Tuesday that more than 14,000 of Baird's constituents have either attended town hall meetings or participated in telephone town halls on health care reform so far, and about 200 have had the opportunity to comment. Baird has three more town halls and two more telephone town halls scheduled next week, she said. "It's why we have town halls, so people do have an opportunity to have their say."
This is, of course, a crock. When a few numbers are picked out of a bin at random; when 16 people out of 6000 on a phone conference are chosen to ask a question... that is nothing approaching "an opportunity to have their say."

I have written, called, stopped by the local office... and rarely have I ever heard back from the Cowardman's people.

If we can't "comment" in such a way that these morons can't hear us, then no, we HAVE NOT been "given the opportunity to have our say."

This garbage can liner knows that.

Yes, words do have meaning. And we can expect this despicable rag to both continue in their efforts to rehabilitate the Cowardman, and do additional hit pieces on David Hedrick.

In their efforts to resurrect Baird's destroyed political career and to support the fringe left policies that have had this rag circling the drain for so long; now, there is no effort to demonize they won't do... no "Joe the Plumber" effort beyond them.

So now, we can expect an in-depth investigation into every aspect of Hedrick's life as they desperately try to destroy him in their effort to lift up the Cowardman.

It's all a matter of time.


  1. David William Hedrick12:16 PM

    I am the David W. Hedrick this article was about. It was nothing more than a hit piece. I will not agree to do any interviews with this “news paper” in the future. I should have researched the reporter first. Rookie mistake. I am not saying they are paid employees of Brian Baird’s, because they might just be unpaid volunteers.

    Just a Guy – thank you for defending me.

    I intend to post a full analysis of this article on my web page in the near future. It should be up and running by this weekend.

    Speaking of running, I plan on doing just that. I will not bow down to these scare tactics propagated by Baird’s cronies. Because he will not keep his sworn oath, I intend to run against him in 2010. In doing so, I will keep mine.

    I hope I can continue to count on your support.

    David William Hedrick
    For now:

  2. It was a distinct honor and privilege, both to watch you confront our Cowardman in person, and then to watch you spread the message.

    You're always welcome here.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
