Saturday, August 01, 2009

Man, it's like the tide coming in: MORE Columbian Stupidity?

Jeers to the idiots at the Columbian for reveling in the agony of collapsed home prices, where they focus all of their giddiness on the buyer while forgetting the agony of the seller. But who's ever said that this rag has situational awareness of a vision that reflects this community?

And are we to be surprised by this all-too-typically one-sided view? This rag even uses this same editorial to continue to reward their leftist masters for making it easier to waste billions of our dollars for the same reason they stupidly cheer the pain of those likely forced to sell their homes in a down market:

Because it's not their money.

One wonders how this rag will feel when they're finally forced into Chapter 7, and they're broken up and liquidated like a ship on the shores of that ecological hell-hole; Alang, India, where even the mightiest are reduced to rubble.

Will they be thrilled about those buying up THEIR assets for next to nothing?

But this is yet another of the Columbian's many stupidities... and a microcosm of the mindset that enables them to saddle US with 4, 6 or who knows how many billions in taxes and fees for a project THEY want but THEY will not have to pay for:

The moronic, wasteful, unnecessary and unneeded waste of billions known as the I-5 Bridge/Loot rail project.

Which, of course, brings us to part two of this paper's steaming pile of a column this morning, the fact that they got on their knee pads in front of that cow, Murray, who has, as they put it,
"for improving the chances of securing federal funding to extend Portland's light-rail system into Vancouver."
Only a completely out-of-touch-with-reality-rag would congratulate yet another leftist's efforts to waste billions on something her constituents DON'T WANT, but on something her handlers have told her she must provide.

This is a sickening reversal for those sane enough to see through the smokescreens and lies of loot rail supporters and the tens of billions they intend to waste and suck out of our economy before they're through.... just like they did in Seattle.

Good God, but our paper is criminally obscene in their efforts to brush aside the will of the people when that will, as it so frequently does, clashes with the agenda of the few sitting around a table, saving us from ourselves under the illusion of "democracy" as they control more and more of our lives... and our wallets. And why are they doing it?

Because it's not their money.


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