Friday, July 31, 2009

Additional idiotic Columbian endorsements.

As the local disgrace to journalism continues it's unbroken string of moronic endorsement editorials, today was no exception.

Going directly to the money quote, here's where these morons stupidly tried to diss the only one of the four candidates, Jack Turlay, who's got it right when it comes to that obscenely expensive waste of money known as the unneeded, unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project that resulted from a $100 million dollar-plus pre-ordained outcome study that I could have duplicated for $20.
He's the only one of the four to oppose the Columbia River Crossing project, extension of light rail into Vancouver and the city's plans for redeveloping the Boise Cascade waterfront area.
That, of course, makes him the only one fit to be elected.

The rag endorsed Burkman, of course, although his legendary embarrassment at the hands of Pat Campbell, the Columbian's worthless and laughable endorsement and all, makes his ignorant presence a political liability in any government organization.

But he will, of course, be endorsed in the general because he carries the Columbian's water like an 80,000 gallon tanker.

And, of course, that's what it takes to get their endorsement... that and either a "d" after your name or you're a complete RINO... see the November, 2008 election where this despicable rag ONLY endorsed democrats for ANY open seat in the entirety of the election, from President on down.

Again, as a rule, the Columbian never misses an opportunity to slam candidates who've lost in prior elections that they oppose with that little factoid. Their selective memory, however, doesn't include Inconvenient Truths like that when they back someone.

But this outcome is to be expected. What's best for the people can never be allowed to interfere with what's best for the Columbian. And this is just another shameful example of that truism.

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