Friday, July 31, 2009

More nonsensical, disingenuous loot rail coverage from the Columbian: Danny Westneat, July 31: Seattle's train a sign of big city progress

In the Columbian's despicable, continuing effort of shilling for the multi-billion dollar waste that is loot rail, there is no lie they won't tell, no waste of taxpayer's money they won't demand, and no "leave out all the facts" shiller they won't print.

Danny Westneat is a left-leaning, Seattle Times columnist. In today's effort, he attempts to justify the unbelievable waste of money the people of the Sound Transit area were lied into voting for. Because Seattle's waste of billions has started to run (Only $17 billion more slated to be vaporized... so far... for this colossal waste) those who, to coin a phrase, acted stupidly in supporting this steam crap pile now are doing all they can to backfill their justifications... just like the excuse for a newspaper we're stuck with here locally.

Westneat's column effectively gives credit to loot rail for solving every problem known to mankind.

Of course, his column doesn't talk about the horrific subsidies required or the additional billions waiting to be wasted on extending this system... a system the Times admits matches a couple of the more popular, but geometrically cheaper, bus lines currently running in Metro.

And the catbox liner here locally never mentions that the voters were ASKED if they wanted loot rail, nor does it mention the horrific lies government told the voters in order to get this thing passed concerning costs... and what they were going to get for their money... precisely the same scam these scum are running on us down here.

I understand the Mussolini got his trains as well. And I'm fairly sure he used many of the same methods favored by the lowlifes that want to jam this thing down our throats without a vote so BILLIONS will be wasted... and NONE of it by those supporting this crock the most.

I'm from Seattle. And Seattle is a great place to be FROM. If I wanted to live there, I'd pick up and move. For Vancouver to want to be Seattle is as moronic as shilling this crap in the name of "journalism."

Now, of course, in the interest of fairness, I'm sure that TOMORROW, we'll see a column in this propaganda sheet from someone opposed to loot rail.

But I ain't gonna hold my breath.

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