Sunday, August 02, 2009

Journalism: a thing of the past in the Columbian.

Even though circling the drain for months now, the idiots running our local disgrace of a newspaper simply don't get it... and, for whatever the reason, continue to chose NOT to get it.

Take this morning's leftist screed by their resident leftist fringer, John Laird.

Laird, no more a journalist then I am a brain surgeon, puked his usual House-pays-him swill this morning, by lying/exaggerating/fantasizing about the moronic empty suit's efforts to socialize health care.

It's bad enough this rag is so in the pocket of the leftists that democrats are all they endorsed for any open seat where they made an endorsement (And a grateful group of leftists in the legislature responded by giving them a massive tax break in the midst of our $10 billion deficit) but when this assclown writes like he's working for that moron of a Press Secretary instead of a local newspaper, that's simply over the edge.

This waste of skin actually wrote the following:
Myth: We can't trust government to run the health care system.

Reality: We already do, with health care for veterans and senior citizens, who often receive better care than the rest of us receive from the private sector. Ronald Reagan's classic condemnation of government notwithstanding, government is not the problem. That's because government, actually, is us.
So much idiocy in one short blurb... it's hard to know where to start.

Part of the problem here is that we do NOT trust government, PERIOD. We don't trust it to run health care. We don't trust it to run our economy. We don't trust it to be fair, or equitable, or responsive, or timely, or any number of other things we don't trust government for.

So, when this moron writes "We already do," he's a liar. But to a leftist like Laird, facts are among those "Inconvenient Truths" that he refuses to allow to interfere with reality.

That Government PROVIDES a service, in this case, VA health care and Medicare, by no means shows that we "trust" them.

While my own personal VA care has been good, every time I go there I'm living the lie. NOT that I'm a Veteran (I am). But that I have to pay for that which was promised to me for free as long as I lived in return for serving this country so many years ago.

For many others, VA care has been reduced to a punch line. And this imbecile has done nothing to support his cause by pointing to a system many revile, rightly or wrongly, as some sort of justification for turning the entire system into a mirror image... and expecting THIS government to do it cheaper, faster, better, more efficiently and with greater bang for the trillions of bucks this blithering idiot ignores in costs to us that his Utopia will directly result in.

It's bad enough this idiot tells us the lie "That's because government, actually, is us," when he wants to ram a multi-billion dollar waste of money down our throats (without any say by the government he wrongly says we are) while spewing such bogus platitudes. But THIS heap of garbage?

I am averaging around a $1000 or so a year in medical expenses for that which I paid for with my service.... and that for which I have to provide at least some level of money now for drugs that cost more than twice what they charge at WalMart or Fred Meyers.

And I should TRUST a government that lied about that to get me to enlist?

That I should TRUST a government that lied about the unemployment ceiling to get the Porkulous passed?

That I should TRUST a government that has buried us under generations of debt for unimaginable corruption and pay offs?

Good God but this man is a waste of skin. An utterly clueless leftist shill who disgraces his profession and our community by his mere presence.

To shatter the illusion this moron is trying to scam us with on health care, I only have to ask one question:

If the empty suit is ever successful in socializing our health care... does that mean HE will have the SAME health care as the rest of us?

These follow up questions cut to the heart of the matter: Will he lose his own personal doctor? Will he not be entitled to any of the special treatment he and his family now receives?

You know damned well what the answer to that question is. Thus the rank, reeking hypocrisy of a scumbag leftist columnist and the major reason I won't spend a dime on this rag as long as I live.

Laird, you make me sick. You're a blight on our community with your leftist propaganda and lies. Please, PLEASE go back to wherever it is you came from, and do it soon.

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