Monday, August 17, 2009

Incompetence? Thy name is Obama.

So, tell us again how "smart" this clown is? Tell us again how he went to those Ivy League schools?

Look.... I'm nobody special, but these unforced errors make the empty suit look like a buffoon.

My biggest concern, shared by our illustrious Vice President, is that this idiot "isn't ready to be president." His political stupidity has been and continues to be at such a shocking level that a blind man could see it in a minute.

My gravest concern is the stunning level of ineptitude our administration exhibits.

The political action since Obama's election has been poorly written political soap opera.

I get Obama's desire to change everything. But there are certainly “levels” of change and the speed of change.

Rapid change, of the type Obama is attempting to force, is typically not tolerated by the people of this country.

We are told that we're in a “crisis.” Yet, with as many as 85% of the American people currently insured, selling them on the idea that this is a crisis is, rightfully, impossible.

Obama has lied to us on what is and is not a crisis before. He has lied about the impacts of his “fixes” (The stimulus will put an 8% ceiling on unemployment... remember?) and he unfortunately talked down the economy as a campaign strategy and we've been made to suffer because of it.

Now.... now, he tells us that we're in another crisis. How do we believe him? Apparently.... we don't.

The problem here is the enormous size and speed of the change the man wants to implement.

This was a gigantic program involving 1/6th of this nations economy. The issues are complex and multi-faceted. The idea that the entirety of health care can be changed faster than it took Obama to choose a dog may sound cliché', but it's also true.

Instead of ramming a square peg into a much smaller round hole with a sledge hammer, he needed to take a longer term view, time he could have used to restore some level of trust while he shares his vision AND starts to implement implement it in phases... in a way that builds credibility as it is implemented.

Credibility is hard to earn and easy to lose. Lying about the economy; lying about the critical need for a stimulus that no one had time to read... yet sat gathering dust on his desk for at least 3 days until he signed it, lying about the impacts of the program... these politically unforced errors speak to basic issues of political competence.

Even before the issues are addressed, proven political competence is required to provide credibility when that element is missing. As it is now, Obama says, in effect, we should “trust him.”

The first few months this moron has been in office, and he's added trillions to our debt... for no apparent, particular, reason... except to pay off his political thugs.

He's been wasting his political capital like he's been wasting our money... lying about the unemployment ceiling, lying about taxing us, lying about the number of jobs "saved or created."

In short, he's proven himself not only a liar... but an incompetent liar at that. And the worst thing about his lies (given that almost all politicians lie) is that THIS clown lies...WHEN HE DOESN'T HAVE TO.

And the problem with that is that when the people actually believe in you, you can, realistically, stand there and say "trust me," and the people will be more likely to do that very thing.

But as the trust fades, as it is inarguably fading from this clown (and yes I, and thousands of others, kept trying to warn the people what this guy was about... but not enough listened) his ability to pass something merely because HE wants it, fades with it.

These unforced errors make him look dangerous in his stupidity. The "inform on your neighbors" gambit was idiotically designed, developed and implemented by an incompetent administration that should have KNOWN that it smacks of the very Nazi-ism the left is practicing these days.

Remaining silent in the face of moronic pronouncements like those of the disgrace representing us now in Congress, one Brian Baird... failing to strongly condemn his own party's efforts to label those of us wise enough to resist his socialist agenda with the terms "Nazi" and "Brown Shirt" shows an approval for the strategy.

Saying truly stupid hings like "the economy was worse than we thought" when the CBO and others TOLD you what was happening.... TOLD you you were wrong... makes your domestic policy look like it was put together by a manically psychotic 8th grader... and also makes the infamous and viral "Joker" poster look strangely appropriate.

Playing the race card shows your true colors like Baird playing the Nazi card shows his.

NO ONE polarizes or damages this country like you are. No one.

But in the end, I have to thank you. By the 2010 general, your brand will be so poisoned that when the GOP runs it's "Obama - democrat candidate X" commercials it will be a complete replay of your leftist "Bush - candidate Y"

You've not only handed the GOP the template... you've handed them the opportunity.

Well done.

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