Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Columbian's continuing efforts to shill for Cowardman Baird.

It doesn't matter, apparently, to the disgrace of journalism known as our local paper WHO represents us as long as whoever that person is faithfully executes the rag's agenda.

It was actually stunning that the fishwrapper did a minor league version of calling Baird out for his unspeakable cowardice and bigotry towards those he represents while he continues to lie about his position on this bill when he says he "...hasn't yet made up his mind."

This clueless idiot voted "yes" for a bill he hadn't read because the Belle of Botox threatened to bitch slap him if he didn't... he screwed us over completely by voting yes on Cap and Swindle, and now this lying, cowardly SOB is holding out that he MIGHT actually be a "no" on this bill?

Bull. But the rag doesn't care. As long as Baird brings in the pork for the downtown mafia and keeps his cowardly mouth shut on giving us a vote on the massive, multi-billion dollar waste of replacing the I-5 Bridge, the morons at the Columbian don't give a damn what an offensive little worm he is... they'll continue to spin for him like he's paying them.

This bullet cannot be unfired... and the only way our cowardman can make amends is to resign.

But the rag can't have that... so they spew this pap.

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