Friday, August 21, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XVI) Did Baird make it all up? Capital Hill Police apparently don't know anything about threats to Baird.

It' looking more and more like our resident Cowardman made it all up.

Locally, we have a discussion blog at The guy running the blog had the following post:

Capitol Hill Police have no report of threats from Brian Baird

I just got off of the telephone with the Capitol Hill Police Department, Records and Reports. That office is responsible for initiating any and all incident and complaint reports for the Capitol Hill Police Department.

I first called the Watch Commander's Office and explained what I was looking for. That person assured me that they have very strict procedures for dealing something like this and transferred me to the "Threats" Office.

The Agent in the Threats Office would not discuss this with me. He could not confirm or deny any active and/or ongoing investigations. He did tell me that he cannot investigate anything without a report being filed by the Records and Reports Office. He gave me their number and tried to transfer me.

When I called Records and Reports, I spoke with the very polite and helpful lady there who is responsible for typing and submitting any kind of a report like Brian Baird is claiming was filed. I asked her specifically if she had a report of a telephoned threat that stated "You think Timothy McVeigh was bad, there is a Ryder Truck out there with your name on it," or anything remotely similar to a statement like that.

She said that if anything like that had happened to any member of Congress, she would know about it. She has heard nothing, repeat NOTHING like what Brian Baird claims to have reported to the Capitol Hill Police, or from any other member of Congress.

What's more, she also has no record whatsoever of any complaints filed from any Congress Critter about a faxed "threat" like Baird also says he filed on or around August 10. This lady was adamant that if any report like that had been filed, it would have to come through her personally. There are only 2 people who work in her office and she is certain there is no such report.

I thanked that lady profusely, and asked her to continue looking into this, and if she found anything else to call me. I gave her my name and home telephone number.

Don't take my word for any of this. Do what the columbian refuses to do and call the Capitol Hill Police Department Records and Reports Office yourself at 202-593-4099 and ask them yourself.

Last edited by Chief; 9 Hours Ago at 06:42 AM.
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Re: Capitol Hill Police have no report of threats from Brian Baird

The reason this is so important my friends, is that there are also reports out there of recent Townhall meetings in other areas of the Country, where other DemocRat Congress Critters are citing Brian Baird's "threats" at their own Townhall meetings!

This is an outrageous lie that has assumed a life of it's own, and people like the columbian's Kathy Dustbin are committing nothing less than Journalistic Malpractice in order to give Brian Baird all the cover he needs to hide from criticism on his many different stands on the issues.

Lying liars in the State-run Media helping their lying liar Congress Critter friends...

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If this is true... and after reading Chief for at least a couple of years now, I have no reason not to believe it, then both our Cowardman and this disgrace of a newspaper is done.

It is frightening that a blogger had to engage in basic journalism to verify the Cowardman's crock.

Read the entire thread.

I supposed that Baird made this up.

God help him if he's lying... and based on how he's acted... what do you think the odds of that are?

H/T to Orbusmax

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