Friday, August 21, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XV) The Slimy One and his political handlers at the Columbian justify his despicable Ryder comments.

Our local disgrace of a Cowardman doesn't know when to shut up.

That is not to say that I WANT him to shut up; after all, it's a political axiom of uncounted decade's standing that when the moron you're running against is bound and determined to commit political suicide, then you have to stand out of his way and let him.

The Columbian, however, continues to do everything they can to rehabilitate this worm's image, including giving him a platform to attack the local GOP.

You see, Cowardman, we are condemning you because we think you made it all up. You're such a minor-league back-bencher that there's no percentage in threatening you: you're not worth the effort.

So, what we're objecting to is your use of these bogus threats to excuse your despicable, unconscionable conduct wherein you called me and millions of others "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts."

When you say you've " provid(ed) an opportunity for more than 4,000 constituents to participate in the health care debate," you're a liar.

At the amphatheater, did 2800 people talk to you? Or was it closer to, say, 30? Those THIRTY got to participate... the rest of us got to listen.

Please don't tell us you don't know the difference.

Here, instead of apologizing for yet ANOTHER fringe-left whack job remark... "If there is a Ryder truck parked out front, it has my name on it," you're actually such a moron that you DEFEND it.

Well, here's one for you, Cowardman. Because of you, if the Congressional Gestapo show up, they're probably looking for me.

There is precisely ZERO excuse for your cowardly remarks and reaction to your "Great Leaders" scumbag plan to socialize medicine, much like there's no excuse for constantly lying about the fact that you HAVE made up your mind and you WILL support this despicable plan... you fake protestations notwithstanding.

You reference to McVeigh was yet ANOTHER effort to provide cover AND to make political hay out of these so-called "threats."

The only question is this: Did the Cowardman actually say this despicable thing? Yes or no?

Clearly he did. And after that, nothing he says is worth listening to... and this paper's constant effort to give this guy a platform is really sickening.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for posting this and helping to spread the word. It is through the independent internet and small bloggers like you and I that Brian Baird and the columbian are being called to task over their joint lies.

    I am a private Citizen who simply picked up the telephone to try and confirm that these "death threats" that Baird reported were indeed being investigated, and the truth is that they are not, because Baird never, repeat never reported them. It took me less than 10 minutes on the phone to shoot Baird's story down in flames.

    I know I have to be close to the mark on this because the Far Left is going nuts over this. Daily Kos picked this up last night, and they have had lots to say already...

    Perhaps Chief is the perp (2+ / 0-)

    Recommended by:
    entlord1, CMYK

    Maybe the FBI should search out this blogger and find out?

    by Texdude on Fri Aug 21, 2009 at 09:31:56 PM PDT

    They say that the flak is always strongest directly over the target...


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
