Sunday, August 23, 2009

The continuing rank hypocrisy of the Columbian.

I'm not sure what I was thinking. After all, the vote by even the leftist crowd of my birthplace, Seattle, was so overwhelming in crushing the idiotic "20 cent's per plastic bag" tax, I just never expected anyone save a blithering idiot to whine about the voice of the people in print.

But while thinking about that, I completely forgot about our local disgrace to journalism. If they were hung, they'd bitch about a new rope.

When people vote to oppose moronic policies, the morons at the Columbian inevitably whine that we're so stupid, the only reason we vote to oppose their perspective is because of "special interests." For example:

But the impression is not altogether accurate. A good idea, poorly packaged, is no longer a good idea. Referendum 1 proposed assessing a 20-cent fee for each plastic and paper shopping bag in supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores. Such a fee was approved last year by the Seattle City Council, but special-interest groups from the plastics industry got the issue on the ballot.

These leftist throw away lines are the hallmark of fringe publications.

Subtle, with that je ne se qua of the brush strokes of the avowed leftist.

First of all, it doesn't matter WHO put this on the ballot. Let's remember, it's a moronic policy in moronic economic times. Would it have killed the Seattle City Council to put it on the ballot themselves and ASK those they would govern if THEY want this tax imposed?

Secondly, why is it OK when the right KIND of "special interests" put something on the ballot? Does this rag refer to THEM with the pejorative "special interest" label?

For example, the multiple "special interests" behind that charming bit of majority tyranny known as the "Smoking Ban?"

Who, and how many, special interest groups were behind getting THAT "on the ballot?"

But this is just the appetizer to one of the most horrifically hypocritical thoughts ever written in a paper:
"Still, voters know the difference between being asked and being told."
"Still, voters know the difference between being asked and being told?" Still, voters know the difference between being asked and being told?




This stain on the profession of journalism has done absolutely everything it can to silence voters and KEEP them silenced on CTrans and Loot Rail by gerrymandering the lines so that we're silenced... but get the privilege of paying ANYWAY; on both downtown redevelopment AND the largest, most massive waste of billions to take place since we gave that idiot Obama the checkbook... yet WE are being TOLD, and NOT asked.

We're being TOLD we have to dump at least $1300 a year down the paper's sewer because Pollard and Leavitt and similar worms WANT us to... no other reason being available.

Yes, this paper engages in hypocrisy and double standards as a matter of editorial policy.

While I'm not surprised, I am sickened. And calling these despicable clowns out is part of why I'm here.

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