Thursday, August 20, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XII) The Columbian spin machine goes into overdrive.

Our worthless rag has dropped any pretense of fairness, or a lack of bias, or non-partisanship as they continue to do everything they can to rehabilitate the Cowardman's image.

This community has been subjected to at least it's fourth sickeningly sweet Baird puff-piece as they continue on in their efforts to save our idiot Cowardman from himself.

Brain Baird is a liar. When he says that he hasn't made up his mind on voting for or against this, he's a lying scuzball.

Brian Baird is a hypocrite. In his dog and pony show, he kept talking about voting "no" on a Republican bill known as the "prescription medication bill" as a sign that he won't vote "yes" on a bill that he hasn't had time to read... all the while, ignoring the fact that he had done his master's bidding TWICE this year in voting for two of the worst bills, the Porkulus and cap and swindle; each time without having the opportunity to review/read the bill.

Brian Baird is a scumbag. This sleazy waste of skin called ME and millions of other veterans Nazis and Brown Shirts.

And then, as detailed below, Brian Baird continued his hate speech at the Rotary even after the waste of time at the Amphitheater.

In their obscene efforts to rehabilitate the Cowardman's image, the Columbian engages in the same campaign for him that they have in lying, exaggerating and distorting... not to mention ignoring the will of the people; in support of the indefensible, not wanted, no needed, colossal waste of billions they want to get loot rail into Clark County.

It's the same steaming pile of lies and rank hypocrisy. It's just got a different name in there.

In Today's despicable effort, they spew all this garbage about the town hall meeting... including moronic lines like "Suddenly, the guy's got more gigs than a Nashville lounge singer."


When this rag writes: "Yet for all the effort Baird has devoted to resurrecting his image as the congressional king of public town hall meetings," Baird hasn't put a 10th of the effort into this that this despicable rag has.

This paper is punching our puff pieces to rehab this moron's image like movie tickets. They have, and will continue to, do everything they can to keep their boy in office, because the last thing this waste of trees wants is a Congressman who will look at them and offend THEM (By failing to do their bidding) the same way that Baird has offended US.

This paper's lies on his behalf prove, once again, that we, as a community, would be far, far better off without them... and Baird. It is my earnest hope that BOTH of them go down into their well-earned oblivion... and soon; the paper into bankruptcy and liquidation; the Cowardman into political history as the leftist slimeball that Don Benton warned us about.

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