Thursday, August 20, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XIII) A prescient comment; evidence of the Columbian's leftist positions and spin predictions come true.

This on Brancaccio's pathetic column last Saturday (15 August).

by Pants On Fire : 8/16/09 5:50pm - Report Abuse

Gee, Lou... I was right. You weren't amused. Nor did you respond. Apparently, self-delusion is a big part of becoming a leftist.

Your failure to respond, of course, blows more holes in your "I guess it's just a little confusing to those who want to so badly proove[sic] that we're liberal, they still have to somehow make that case even when we're holding a Democrat accountable" position, particularly when a reasonable person reading the list of reasons I provided would conclude your paper to be to the left of Pravda.

But facts can be sobering things... even those you don't want to hear.

Baird's actions were despicable and unconscionable. The only way he can make amends is to resign.

You know... like you would be demanding a Republican resign if he had done this? You'd be talking about the disgrace, his or her reduced effectiveness, how our representation has been sullied and so on. Kinda like your paper demanded a Republican state representative resign because your paper threw a fit over a budget cut?

Here, Baird has offended tens of thousands of veterans and regular people in his district and millions across the country. There is no way to unring the bigotry bell... and his phony, politically driven apology shouldn't cut it.

The man is a Ph.D. in Psychology and a six term incumbent. That he actually acted this way shows an ugly, fringe-left political side that is unneeded and unwanted in a congressman for this district. It's not like he didn't know better.

It will be good enough for this paper, however, because as we ramp up to the next election, you people will do everything you can to engage in damage control and the rebuilding of his image... much like you did by publishing that nonsensical "I want a 72 hour rule that I'm going to ignore when I'm told to vote for bills I haven't read" article.

We have 15 more months of that sort of nonsense to look forward to. Hopefully Castillo can get through all that and go to the people even in the face of your future somewhat reluctant endorsement of your water carrier... bigotry and all. Your ultimate endorsement might even reference this sorry episode... and then you'll print this huge "but," and then tell us all about all the wonderful things Baird has done and how this massive insult shouldn't be the deciding factor, etc, etc, and then you'll endorse him.


Because that's how a liberal, leftist paper rolls.

He's your guy. You to him is like NBC to Obama.

Your predictably leftist actions and editorial policy, in large part, makes you irrelevant to the process. We really don't need to read you because like your Obamaton editorial page editor (see today's clueless sale job on the unneeded, unwanted and massively wasteful multi-billion dollar train wreck of a bridge/loot rail project; a project you want us to pay for because you and Laird won't have to, as yet another example of leftist propaganda. No demand for a vote, because you people could care less what we want when it might go against your agenda, and a delusional comparison, blown to pieces long ago, between this waste of a new bridge and the salmon creek freeway. It's much like comparing a REAL newspaper with the product you produce.) we already know what you're going to do... the only question is "how?"

Baird is a disgrace to our community. Yet, you have easily hammered Mielke for his positions more since he took office then you have Baird in the entirety of his now almost 11 year tenure.

No bias there, eh?

Baird needs to go. Hopefully, to quote Koenninger, he'll resign before the voters throw him out. I look forward to Koenninger's column making that demand, but since Baird is a democrat and carries your water like Gunga Din, I'm not holding my breath. There are, after all, so many sins you're willing to overlook when it benefits your paper or your agenda directly... and this disgraceful conduct is, I'm sure, one of the set.

"... we already know what you're going to do... the only question is 'how?'"

Well, we already have found the answer to that, haven't we?


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