Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XI) Baird - A true scuz bucket.

And the idiots at the local rag think this moron is salvageable?



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baird Does It Again

Clark County GOP Press Release;

Congressman Brian Baird reverted back to making the same comparisons and comments today that he apologized for last week. Baird was the guest speaker at the Downtown Rotary Club on Wednesday where he was quoted to say “if there is a Ryder truck parked out front, it has my name on it.”

Clark County Republican Party Chairman Ryan Hart said he received a call from an individual who attended the meeting informing him of the comment. “I called several other people who attended the meeting and they all confirmed that Baird made the remarks.

Baird’s remarks were a reference to domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh. “This is just unbelievable,” Hart said. “You would think he would have learned a lesson or two over the past two weeks,” he added.

Hart said the comparison linking critics of the Democrat’s health care reform proposals to domestic terrorists makes one doubt the sincerity of his Baird’s apology.
Who was Baird referring to now? He cannot blame this on townhalls from back east this time.

Just another Democrat "botched joke," ala John 'F'in Kerry (who I have heard served in Viet Nam)?

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