Saturday, July 04, 2009

On this 4th of July, what are you prepared to do?

It's another beautiful day here in my little corner of the United States. I'm sitting in my office, where I'm fortunate enough to work out of my home; surrounded by computer screens, looking out over my deck into the back yard.

Reading and listening to the news, providing updates and analysis; impacts and strategies. Immersed in oceans of information, looking for the bit or piece that will make a difference.

The problem with that is essentially, you frequently wind up knowing too much. You get too close. You follow along directly and you see the nightmare coming.

Each day, our country seems to be sinking deeper into the abyss. Each day, we become less a society of independent, self-reliant, self-accountable individuals and more a mass of sheep, driven by the clever shepherds who can manipulate public opinion through a corrupt, biased media.

Our massive debt, run up since the ascension of The One, will weaken this country for decades. The nanny state is on course for massive growth as the leftists controlling our government implement their campaign of lies and deceit, now forgetting all of the promises they made with little to no complaint by the "leg tingling" media.

Our sacrifices in Iraq soon to be forgotten as the leftists do not want to be reminded that despite their terrorist sympathies and their support of those who killed American men and women that THEY sent over there, early returns indicate that to some degree... we have succeeded... the democrat's best efforts notwithstanding.

And now, have you noticed? The American left has gone almost completely silent about the War. No massive demonstrations... no attacks on the troops... just the odd voice wondering aloud: How come, when democrats took over in 06 promising to end the war, and they didn't do what they promised us... how come we were so moronic as to believe them in 08.... and why were we moronic enough to vote for them again?

We used to project an aura of strength. The other countries with some power used to give us a hard time, but ultimately, the US prevailed, for the most part, because they respected the United States.

Well, who the hell respects us now?

We allow tin pot dictators like that moron in North Korea to fire missiles in our general direction.... telling him all along... no, no, no... you shouldn't oughtta do that... as they fire even more missiles.

And what are we doing about it?

The clown running Iran is slaughtering his own people to remain in power, while he busily builds the nuke that we've warned him he cannot have and our Great Leader can only sit on his thumb and spin in response?

What happened to us?

Are we so fat, dumb and happy that we are allowing this to happen?

As a nation, we are completely adrift. We're led by an incompetent moron who wastes our money on everything from weekly White House parties to flying that air yacht instead of taking his chopper out on his campaign stops.

Our media has abandoned us in favor of leg-humping the one they worked so hard to elect... facts and issues aside.

Who do we believe? Who do we look for? Who can lead us?

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