Monday, July 06, 2009

BLACKFIVE does a write up: On Independence Day, a few hours ago, they killed my son Aaron in Afghanistan.

Words fail me, so I'll let Deebow from BLACKFIVE handle it:


Aaron Fairbairn: Someone You Should Know

Posted By Deebow

Lo, There Do I See My Father…

Lo, There Do I See My Mother…

And My Sisters and My Brothers…

Lo, There Do I See The Line

Of My People Back to the Beginning…

They Do Bid Me To Take My Place Among Them…

In The Halls of Valhalla

Where The Brave May Live Forever

I never know how to start a post like this...

News of something like this shows up in the news (at least on our radar).... (H/T: Bill at LWJ)

US soldiers in eastern Afghanistan beat back a complex attack on a combat outpost by the Haqqani Network in Eastern Afghanistan.

The attack began as Haqqani Network fighters launched rockets and mortars at a small US base in the Zarok district in Paktika province. As the rockets and mortars were fired, a suicide bomber attempted to ram a truck packed with explosives into the combat outpost, but soldiers shot and killed the driver before he could penetrate the base. The attackers also fired assault rifles and machine guns during the assault.

And then Aaron's father, David M. Masters, passed along the devastating news on Twitter over the weekend that his son was one of two American soldiers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan at the COP in Zarok. His brothers and sisters are grieving as well and they are enroute to receive him when he arrives at Dover AFB. There is more here about Aaron and what happened. (H/T: MM)

Aaron had a MySpace page and you can see it here

Hey my name is Aaron Fairbairn, I am 20 and in the army. I like to ride dirtbikes, go muddin and all of that kind of stuff. One of my favorite things to do is work on my truck when I break it. I have a yamaha yz 125 I haven’t got to ride it much because of work but i plan to go race it sometime.

My Kandak helped establish this COP out in the Zarok District with a company from 2-87 INF of the 10th Mountain Division in 2006. In fact, we took down an HVT we had been looking for there and spent the better part of a year operating there, as it is a major cross roads for infiltration from over the border.

Aaron sounds like someone that I would have shared a canteen cup of coffee over my Esbit stove with and talked motorcycles and girls with.

God Bless Aaron, his comrades in arms and his family, and I grieve with them for their loss... I will remember him and his family in my prayers

____________________The Brave Truly Do Live Forever... ___________________

I didn't know Aaron... but I wish I had.

He, and all of the others who've made the ultimate sacrifice are our brothers and sisters and I will miss them all.


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