Friday, July 03, 2009

Leavitt's hypocrisy.

There are some around here who've never learned. They've been taken in by the stadium rip offs in Seattle... the baseball and football stadium wastes of mountains of taxpayer money in Seattle seems to leave visions of grandeur in the minds of many. Thus, the rather bizarre talk of building a stadium here so the Beavers, now in PDX, would have somewhere to play baseball.

The complete idiocy of a taxpayer-paid astounding waste of money aside, Tim Leavitt wrote the following on his blog (via

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Ballpark in Vancouver? YOU Should Be The Ones Who Decide!

As you might have heard, the Portland Beavers are soon to be a team without a stadium -- and one option that's come up is locating the new park up here, in Clark County.

Yesterday, KGW came out and interviewed me, as well as the incumbent, about our views on the matter. You can see by watching the clip that although both he and I are baseball fans (he of his hometown Boston Red Sox and me of the Northwest's own Seattle Mariners) -- I appear to be the only one interested in finding out what YOU have to say about it!

For those of you who've been paying attention the last few years, you'll probably find it as funny as I did that the man who's been consistently raising your taxes year after year, while slashing vital services, waited until he was in front of a TV camera to talk about how he'd rather spend tax dollars on police and fire.

That statement would be a lot more compelling if it were actually true.

Yes, he does love to tax this community -- but every year, as his revenues get larger -- he makes bigger and bigger cuts in core services -- including police, fire, road repair, and parks.

A ballpark might be a great addition to the county. But it might also be a huge drain. Something this big isn't for me, or for a sitting Mayor who's on his way out to decide. Only you, the voters, should have the say on something that big, and which could have such an impact.

So tell me! What do YOU think?

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