Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Leavitt scams a campaign moment at city hall expense.

A few days ago, I nailed Tim Leavitt for his rank political opportunism as he attempts to capaitalize on a situation that has nothing to do with him personally: the indefensible scam of so-called hate crimes.

As I stated earlier:

On Leavitt's website, he tells us: Hate and Bias Crimes Must NOT Be Tolerated

But other crimes should be?

This leftist pap is just that. Further, Leavitt's "draft resolution" accomplishes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except to provide this guy with an opportunity to politically grand stand.

"Hate" crimes are a sickening concept that somehow makes an assault based on skin color or gender or sexual proclivity or any of the many, many other segments we've been divided into, more worthy of greater punishment than just your average, run of the mill crime.

That is, if someone is shot because they are _____________ (fill in the blank) THAT crime is somehow more worthy of concern then someone getting shot, say, at random... or during a robbery.

And that, my friends, is pure, grade A, moronic bullshit. Fringe leftists love this kind of thing, but then, they are easily led tools anyway, or they wouldn't be fringe leftists.
There is no excuse for this kind of crap, and Leavitt ought to be at least as ashamed of himself over this as he is his rabid support for a replacement bridge that we don't need; loot rail that we neither need or want, and his continuing, ongoing failure to demand a vote for that entire project.

Taking it a step further, Leavitt used his position as a city council member for pure, unadulterated political scammery for an absolutely worthless resolution that accomplishes precisely nothing... so HE could take ctredit for it as if it accomplished something.

There's no place in government for this type of smoke and mirrors, and the attitude behind such a worthless, political move not only doesn't belong as mayor... he doesn't belong in government at all.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

City of Vancouver Passes Resolution Against Hate and Bias Crimes

Last night marked a great step forward for the City of Vancouver-- the City Council reviewed and approved our resolution against hate and bias crimes, and supporting a community of inclusiveness, respect, and collaboration. Many thanks to all who helped make it possible, including LULAC, the NAACP, the YWCA, Clark County, and the Battle Ground Cultural Task Force--among many others!

Here is the text of the resolution that was passed.

A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Vancouver affirming its support of a diverse community and a community free from discrimination, hate and bias.

WHEREAS, the City of Vancouver has experienced significant population growth over the last fifteen years; and

WHEREAS, as the city’s population becomes more diverse, which adds richness and cultural depth, it can also create new tensions within such a growing community; and

WHEREAS, the City of Vancouver as a government organization values the perspective and contributions of all of its citizens; and

Yadda, yadda, yadda.


  1. What a load of crap.
    From you.

    This kind of right-wing spin is ridiculous. Of course saying hate and bias crimes are intolerable doesn't mean other crimes are. What a bunch of nonsense. What it means is that an act inflicted on someone solely because of the color of their skin, gender identification, physical ability -- you name it -- these acts break a person's spirit. It doesn't have to be a rape, a murder, or violent vandalism. It can be a muttered threat, an indignity, an act of intolerance that goes just to the line of the law but doesn't quite break it. And that is why hate and bias offenses are so offensive--because, more often than not, they're NOT someone getting shot. They're someone getting shoved, or menaced just within the scope of the law.

    The pity here is that you know this. The right wing's blind adoption of intentional ignorance is just ridiculous.

    Unfortunately, you're right. a resolution like this one *will* accomplish nothing--that is, if people like you keep racism and hate alive by seeing it in front of you and then claiming it doesn't exist.

  2. Thank you sooo much for stopping by... I always appreciate comments from the loyal opposition.

    I also appreciate... again (since we hear it incessantly) the "justification" for so-called "hate crimes legislation."

    But here are the unassailable facts:

    When it comes to inflicting pain, if I am shot, for example, neither I, nor the bullet, give a damn about what the shooter was thinking.

    Now, you may call that "right wing crap" all you like, but do you dispute it?


    Now, if the shooter shot me because my ex wife and I gave birth to a half-Asian son, does that mean I will bleed more than if he just either shot me at random, or shot me to steal my wallet?


    What the entire "hate crime" shtick is all about is to further the science of victimology.

    A person's "spirit" is broken when that person allows it to be broken. I could, for example, tell you that the election of that empty-suited, anti-American, incompetent idiot who is burying us in debt for generations to come breaks MY spirit, but THAT doesn't matter to a leftist... because few of them will be paying the bills.

    ALL crimes are "offensive," REGARDLESS of the motive, the victim, the reason, the color, the method, the tools. To suggest that a murder can be any more or less offensive based on someone's race... to the victim or the victim's family, is the height of leftist bigotry.

    People will think whatever they like. "Hate crimes" happen every day, even now, and hate crime legislation has accomplished absolutely nothing to stop or reduce them... they've only made them quieter. That is to say, when a black man shoots a white man because he's white, he's probably going to be smart enough not to say anything about the white man's race while he's doing it.

    In this instance, Leavitt's grotesque pandering is just that. Where has he been all of these years on this issue? How many candle light vigils has HE led? How many times has HE helped the victims of these, or any other, crimes? How often has HE helped clean up graffiti, pick up the damage caused by vandals, helped take the spray paint off of cars, houses, fences and the like?

    And if "hate crime" nonsense was so damned effective... then why do they still happen, no matter how infrequently (and few crimes in this community happen with LESS frequency than hate crimes, with less damage, and with greater coverage, as if a "hate crime" of spray paint on a fence is somehow more important or worthy of consideration then, say, a rape or run-of-the-mill murder.) after all of this "effort?"

    EVERY crime is a "hate crime." Putting nebulous tags on them based on any of the other variables does a disservice to those who, somehow, don't rate the "hate crime" label as if they are incapable of suffering a "broken spirit" as the result of a murder, a rape, an assault... an arson, REGARDLESS of the races, sexual preferences, gender or any other label you would like to put on it.

    The pity here is that you know this. The left wing's blind adoption of intentional ignorance is just ridiculous.

    I don't harm people because *I* don't harm people. Not white, or black, or queer or any other label that you hide behind.

    The proximity of Leavitt's shallow effort to the election is self-evident, as are the complete lack of results. You deliberate failure to understand that crime is crime, and no crime is worthy of any greater consideration than any other goes to show that you're a bigoted victim who is unaffected by common sense and reality, while spinning a cocoon in your own little leftist world.

    Thanks for stopping by... and do come again, won't you?


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