Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Columbian's pet RINO: Ann Donnelly.

The Columbian in some apparent effort to show some level of political balance, has apparently signed Ann Donnelly to a regular weekly gig. Her latest column, extolling the virtues of "No Choice Royce" Pollard combined with her abysmal showing at re-org in her abortive attempt to become Clark County's Republican Committee Woman confirms precisely how out of touch with the Republican Party she actually is.

And that, of course, is precisely the way the Columbian wants it.

Royce Pollard is an arrogant, self-centered, unresponsive and uncaring elected official, completely co-opted by the downtown Mafia.

And based on this column, the same might be said of Ms. Donnelly.

NO elected official should EVER fear the will of the people they would govern. Yet Pollard, and his erstwhile snapshot of an opponent, Tim Leavitt, both fear that will.

And Donnelly is OK with that.

"Pollard's potential Achilles Heel is the transportation issue," Donnelly tells us. "Vancouver urgently needs a new I-5 bridge — its frequent traffic tie-ups pose a serious safety threat — but light rail to Clark College and financing with bridge tolls are controversial. Pollard, never one to equivocate, has taken stands that will ignite controversy with fiscal conservatives."

When Donnelly says that "Vancouver urgently needs a new I-5 Bridge," that's a two part lie.

The first part of the lie is that Vancouver needs this bridge replaced. In reality, no one needs this multi-billion dollar waste of money; Don Wagner, Region Six DOT guru has said as much.

The second part of the lie is that the "frequent traffic tie-ups pose a serious safety threat." There is absolutely nothing to back up that assertion; there is absolutely nothing to justify this massive waste of money to address that issue since the experts have determined that, within a short time after it's completion, congestion levels will again begin to climb.

In short, the trouble is not that we need THIS bridge replaced, because replacing this bridge will do absolutely nothing to address Donnelly's phantom safety concern.

The problem is that we need ADDITIONAL bridges. But no dyed-in-the-wool core member of the downtown mafia will ever admit that... or admit that the people should determine if we want 10's of millions taken out of our economy every year to pay off the union thugs that will build this massive waste... as well as serving to finance democrat political campaigns, keeping the vicious cycle in motion.

Pollard is in large part responsible for the Nazi-like takeover of Cascade Park; the lawsuit against the people to twice silence them on the issue of downtown redevelopment, and his moronic "if you don't like it, leave" approach to government as if WE were here to serve HIM.

The problem, as I said, is that Leavitt is no better. Unfortunately for the people, no real Republican or anything but a mainstream(that is, faux Republican) is allowed to have a column... in this case, because Donnelly shares the propaganda and agenda of this newspaper on the bridge.

And that is too bad for us all.... except for the rag that hired her.


  1. Thanks for this! I happened across your blog and I am delighted to find someone "in the know" on local politics. I appreciate your point of view on the I-5 bridge and agree with you completely!

  2. Thanks for stopping by... and there's much more to come!


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