Sunday, June 14, 2009

More Administration lies: No, Mr. Biden, "everyone" did NOT "guess wrong."

The latest from the Vice-Moron?

Biden tells "Meet the Press" that "everyone guessed wrong" on the impact of the stimulus, economy was worse off than anyone thought.

Backs away from the estimate that the funds could create or save 3.5 million jobs, instead promises 600,000 by the end of the summer.

When this Administration becomes a footnote; sooner rather than later, one would hope; historically, it won't be the "Obama Administration." Nope. Instead, it'll be the "Liars Administration."

File me under "not everyone" as I railed against this unbelievably massive waste of money from the moment of it's inception.

Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, among other places to be precise; I went off on this massive waste of money; this corrupt and stinking, naked power play designed purely to use OUR money so Obama could pay back his political masters on the left... including the corrupt unions that screwed us by supporting his election.

While I give the Vice-Moron credit for beginning to acknowledge the lies and deceit he and the rest of the Administration have engaged in, this spin don't pass the smell-test.

From the very beginning, the Congressional Budget Office told anyone who would listen that the Porkulus was not needed and that, if implemented, would, in fact, SLOW our recovery.

So. Am I supposed to be all warm and fuzzy inside that *I* (and millions of others) know more than the Vice-Moron? Is the Vice-Moron's pronouncement supposed to be some sort of confidence builder?

So blinded by political bias that common sense has no place at the table?

Many said all along that this WILL NOT WORK. That you and the rest of the Administration WOULD NOT LISTEN does NOT mean that "everyone guessed wrong." What it means is that you lot were too damned stupid to see it in your desire to pay off your buddies.

But now, as another famous fringe-leftist once said, THOSE chickens are COMING HOME TO ROOST.

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