Monday, May 04, 2009

Arlen Specter: True scumbag.

I have always thought of Arlen Specter as a political scumbag. Selling out to his fellow leftists as he aided them in burying us in debt was just the latest in his low life, two-faced "main-stream" Republicanism.

But he has crossed a serious, despicable line in stating that the GOP agenda was in any way responsible for Jack Kemp's death.

Specter, whose brain was obviously damaged as a result of HIS successful chemo-therapy/cancer treatment, failed to remember that HIS recovery was just as much a result of that agenda as Kemp's death... yet he completely disregards that success, a success that unfortunately saved HIS sorry ass, while blaming the GOP for Kemp's unfortunate death.

Were it the situation reversed... were it that Kemp was the senator, and that waste of skin died this terrible, awful death... a death that this fricking moron feels politically motivated to exploit.

As I stated before, we should not have waited for this sleazeball to leave the Party... the party that made his political career what it is today.

Specter was "...sorry to disappoint many people. Frankly, I was disappointed that the Republican Party didn't want me as their candidate?"

I'm sorry that he was ever elected dog-catcher. I will give money to ANY candidate that can beat this low-life's ass in an election.

He acted like Obama's butt boy and sold out the American people. We should EMBRACE that kind of political treason?

No... he's acted like a democrat for the entirety of his political career. He' s only formalized what we all already knew.

We SHOULD have kicked his slimy, low-life ass to the curb years ago. Because we failed to do what we need to do when we controlled the situation, we will now suffer this idiot's moron-like gaffes designed to strengthen his democrat creed before he gets his ass kicked in the next election.

In reality, "scumbag" doesn't begin to cover it.

The Washington Times

Specter hints Kemp died of GOP agenda

Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Democrat, said part of the reason that he left the Republican Party last week was disillusionment with its health-care priorities, and suggested that had the Republicans taken a more moderate track, Jack Kemp may have won his battle with cancer.
Mr. Specter, responding to a question from CBS' Bob Schieffer over whether he had let down Pennsylvanians who wanted a Republican to represent them, said he thought his priorities were more in line with those of the Democrats.

"Well, I was sorry to disappoint many people. Frankly, I was disappointed that the Republican Party didn't want me as their candidate," Mr. Specter said on "Face the Nation." "But as a matter of principle, I'm becoming much more comfortable with the Democrats' approach. And one of the items that I'm working on, Bob, is funding for medical research."


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