Saturday, August 20, 2005

Not content with his last hypocritical babble, the CCD webby pukes this:

The idiot-stick running the CCD website needs to get a life.

In both THIS state AND Texas, ILLEGAL FRICKEN ALIENS can get in-state tuition, and he doesn't have anything to say about THAT.

See, this is just another sign that democrats are stupid.

The decision to keep this guy from getting in-state tuition was OBVIOUSLY administrative in nature and according to the ENTIRE story (democrats are really good about cutting out the parts they don't like) the decision was made at the local level, and supported by their HEC Board based on a literal interpretation of the laws in effect.

What idiotstick either doesn't know or refuses to tell you is that the REPUBLICAN Lands Commissioner is getting this guy in.

Take a look at Clark College, which decided without protest from the democrats to "outsource" almost all of our local nursing school slots. Is their any chance that the community college administration stupid enough to deny this guy in-state tuition is packed with the ultra-leftist scum type like our local community college?

Is there any chance that the CCD's webfoot has no frickin' idea whether or not these people were/are Republican? Is there any chance that he gives a damn about being wrong, as long as he can keep doing his shtick?

When Republicans run the place

This is the kind of thing that can only happen when Republicans run the entire

A decorated Marine enrolling in college was shocked to learn his Texas driver's license, car registration and bank records weren't enough to get the lower resident tuition.Carl Basham said officials at Austin Community College recently told him that he lost his Texas resident's status because of the years he spent out of state on two tours of duty in Iraq.

Not having the in-state designation would mean paying around 26-hundred dollars a semester in tuition, instead of about 500 dollars.

The school's response surprised the 27-year-old Beeville native. After all, he's registered to vote in Travis County, has a Texas driver's license and does his banking in Austin.

Officials at the college will only say Basham didn't meet state requirements as determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. A school spokeswoman says privacy laws prevent discussing his case.

admin Sat, 08/20/2005 9:56am
admin's blog read more

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