Saturday, August 20, 2005

Only in democrat controlled San Francisco: San Francisco Shuns Retired USS Iowa

Only far left scum like those running San Francisco could insult the entire Navy and an entire generation of Veterans by dishonoring themselves in this way.

This act was and is noithing less than despicable. But the Left won't condemn it, and the democrats won't utter a peep.

Tip o' da hat to Drudge.

San Francisco Shuns Retired USS Iowa
Aug 20 4:54 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The USS Iowa joined in battles from World War II to Korea to the Persian Gulf. It carried President Franklin Roosevelt home from the Teheran conference of allied leaders, and four decades later, suffered one of the nation's most deadly military accidents.

Veterans groups and history buffs had hoped that tourists in San Francisco could walk the same teak decks where sailors dodged Japanese machine-gun fire and fired 16-inch guns that helped win battles across the South Pacific.

Instead, it appears that the retired battleship is headed about 80 miles inland, to Stockton, a gritty agricultural port town on the San Joaquin River and home of California's annual asparagus festival.


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