Saturday, August 20, 2005

Clark County Democrats webmaster incompetent.

Incapable of discussing issues, the clown running the Clark County Democrats website is reduced to this nonsense:

Error, does not compute

Debate Chicken's web site squawks:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

That sounds about right. Looks like paying the big bucks for a web site couldn't guarantee actual up time. If you can't manage a simple campaign web site, how can you be trusted to manage the county's $200 million operations?

admin Thu, 08/18/2005 1:48pm
admin's blog

Look, we know this guy is a scumbag, representative of many scumbags populating the CC democrats.

Simple minded, unable to grasp concepts... or operate a browser... typical asshat.

Well, here's a clue, Sparky: If you're incapable of utilizing a browser properly, how can YOU be trusted to run YOUR website?

What a sad state of affairs. Their appointed candidate is heading for disaster, and all the democrat lackeys can do is whine and complain about a possible technical error resulting from their own incompetence while refusing to deal with the issues confronting the voters of this county?

You know, their candidate's position supporting these usurious gas taxes in the midst of the highest prices for fuel in our history? The fact that he's bought and paid for by developers on one hand while claiming to be an environmentalist on the other?

Ahhh, yes.... the multiple faces of a Clark County Commissioner. And with idiots like this one to help him out.... who needs enemies?


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Nope -- that's a SERVER error on Mielke's site. Or do you not capiche .NET??

    Maybe instead of whining about taxes and how your candidate's web site sucks, you should get a real job in the information technology business. At that point, you can then build the sites for your Republican buddies, instead of having to have your sugar daddy, the Building Industry Group, pay for a Seattle based web designer.

    Yup -- even local Republicans know how to outsource computer jobs. Kind of like their VoterVault system built in INDIA.

    Thanks for playing.

  2. Well, Anon, whoever the illiterate cretin was that put that post on the CCD'S "web of deceit" apparently couldn't figure out how to avoid such an error.

    *I* don't have any problem at that site, and I don't fantasize (incorrectly, as it turns out) about who built it or who is paying for it.

    I'd be the first to admit that VV sucks... but that's really irrelevant to the issues, isn't it?

    Local developers here are paying for everything for the "environmentalist" candidate, including, I would imagine, his toilet paper... without a peep of democrat outrage over that hypocrisy.

    While altogether typical of democrats generally, the fact is this: If your guy wasn't getting his ass kicked... you clowns would be talking about ISSUES, instead of the silly crap you put up on your web, which has nothing to do with anything.

    But then, that kind of desperation CAN make you shortsighted, as the CCD's web site proves.

    Come back any time.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    In the parlance of Jimmy Fallon, your company's computer IT guy -- MOVE!

    The error was a SERVER error from Mielke's web site -- and it happens quite often. It has nothing to do with how my browser works. The who built it part is really easy -- that's a matter of public record when the web site was initially registered. Match it back to the PDCs, and voila, outsourced web design from Seattle. So you deny that this web designer is in the pay of the BIG?

    And you failed to address the very real issue of how Republicans outsource jobs, locally and globally. The Democratic candidates, too a fault, all use LOCAL resources for their development. Even Don Benton's web site comes out of California. The failure for your side to obtain local resources rankles local small business people, that's a fact.

    You claim to be the party of small business, but when push comes to shove, it's always time to outsource.

  4. In the parlance of Jimmy Fallon, your company's computer IT guy -- MOVE!

    Sorry… Fallon is a bit below my standards of entertainment, so I’m rather unfamiliar with his work and certainly wouldn’t cite his perspective as a reason to DO anything. But, to each his or her own.

    The error was a SERVER error from Mielke's web site -- and it happens quite often.

    HHhmmmm….. let me get this straight.

    There’s a software problem on a server that Mielke does not control, (which I have yet to encounter) and yet somehow HE, PERSONALLY, is to blame? And somehow that PERSONALLY reflects on his ability to govern as a commissioner?

    A few days back, the GIS system under Linda Franklin wasn’t working properly. Does that mean she should resign?

    The fact is this: your use of name-calling, your avoidance of issues in THIS race, all speak for themselves.

    If you had ISSUES that affected us at the county level where Mielke was lacking, you would be all over that. But you people have NOTHING, so you resort to this playground, juvenile bullshit?

    It has nothing to do with how my browser works. The who built it part is really easy -- that's a matter of public record when the web site was initially registered.

    Gee. Here I always thought "building” was one thing, “registering” an entirely different thing.

    Match it back to the PDCs, and voila, outsourced web design from Seattle. So you deny that this web designer is in the pay of the BIG?

    "Outsourced to Seattle?"

    HHmmm.... what if it had been "outsourced" to Battle Ground? Would that make you happier?

    Do you REALLY think that WHERE the website may have been built is a campaign issue?

    Here *I* thought it was things like taxes, growth and public safety.

    But that said, do you deny that Steve Stuart is a wholly owned subsidiary of those developers writing him $10,000 checks while he’s pawning himself off as some sort of environmentalist?

    Do you deny that in opposing I-912, this guy is out of touch with the mainstream of the people of THIS county?

    And you failed to address the very real issue of how Republicans outsource jobs, locally and globally.

    Like THIS tibit?

    WA State Government Ships IT Work Offshore

    IBM helps spearhead state's outsourcing efforts

    Yeah… THAT’S not outsourcing… STATE jobs, outsourced to overseas under a DEMOCRAT administration.

    I know... I know... that's DIFFERENT. It always is when democrats do the same things you complain about.

    The Democratic candidates, too a fault, all use LOCAL resources for their development.

    Really? And who is Stuart using for his web-based contribution system?

    Or is that somehow DIFFERENT as well?

    Even Don Benton's web site comes out of California.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. That turncoat carpet bagger that you people supported against Benton was "outsourced" from Longview to run against him... but again, you people had no problem with that because, after all, that's different.

    The failure for your side to obtain local resources rankles local small business people, that's a fact.

    Sure it does. Just take a look at what the democrat county commissioners have done for small business here locally under the Morris regime... ESPECIALLY the home-based variety. Small business has just LOVED that.

    And who has scored the endorsement of the NFIB, election after election?

    And in Vancouver, who’s doing their best to kill the C-Trans tax increase by jacking up the city’s sales tax directly before the C-Trans vote and by penalizing small business with it’s bizarre head tax?

    You claim to be the party of small business, but when push comes to shove, it's always time to outsource.

    You need to do just the tiniest bit of research.

    For a change.

    Also, you need to focus on THIS election for THIS position. Your boy is heading for oblivion, and engaging in playground rhetoric is one, a sure sign of that and two, not the way to turn that bus around. Or didn’t you get a clue at Stuart’s last fund raisier?


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