Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Stuart blows the call: We're gonna screw Storedahl

Steve Stuart, who’s made 7/8’s of his campaign money from developers and their allies, must be causing them some level of concern these days.

Stuart, who’s made his bones in several ultra-leftist environmental outfits, has been paid enough to be a wholly-owned developer subsidiary. Democrat State Senator Craig Pridemore, of the yes vote for a budget HE claimed was “balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless,” has pegged him as a sellout.

But what do his votes show? They show a guy who offers himself for sale, allows himself to be bought and then doesn’t keep the deal!

You’d think these big money guys would pay attention about who they’re REALLY trying to buy.

Storedahl mine expansion denied
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By ERIN MIDDLEWOOD Columbian staff writer

Clark County commissioners on Tuesday voted 2-1 to deny a request by Kelso-based J.L. Storedahl & Sons to expand its gravel mining operation on the East Fork of the Lewis River.
"The fish win," said David McDonald, an attorney for Friends of the East Fork.

The group, along with Fish First, challenged a county hearings examiner's decision that Storedahl has a grandfathered -- or "nonconforming use" -- right to mine its entire 350-acre property. The groups argued that the mining operations would degrade the river and hurt federally protected salmon and steelhead.

With Commissioner Marc Boldt dissenting, Betty Sue Morris and Steve Stuart voted that Storedahl has a grandfathered right to dig only upon the 71 acres that Storedahl was mining in 1973, the year the county enacted zoning laws that restricted mining.




    That's... uh.... well.... let's see... $3500.... for four candidates.

    Now, if I'm not mistaken, developers have dropped over $80,000 to Stuart in THIS election alone!

    "Gaping hole?" Hardly. Why, I do believe I've just sunk your battleship!

  2. What I'm saying is that Stuart's background is with environmental groups. Even Gretchen Starke has given this guy money.

    But he's bought and paid for by developers, who want him to do the very thing he opposes: opening up the growth management boundaries.

    Imagine the promises he's had to make to score $80K or so from local developers.

    See, Stuart holds himself out to be one thing when, in fact, he's something else.... like Pridemore pegged him: a sellout.

  3. Oh, so environmentalists can't take developer money?

    Sure they can. Perfectly legal. I never said otherwise.

    But it's ALSO perfectly hypocritical.

    Stuart rails against the very thing the people who've bought him want.

    The fact that you can't look deeply enough into this situation to figure out WHY developers would by an allegedly environmental county commissioner proves MY point: hypocrisy is swell... when one of your people are engaging in it.

    Steve's bought and paid for by the citizens of Clark County. That's who pays his salary as county commissioner.

    Can you BE this ignorant?

    Pridemore introduced a spiffy little bill in the Senate this past session that would have extended the financial limits placed on state Legislative races on to, among others, county commissioner races.

    Morris and Stewart take a little trip up to Oly, Steve explains the big bucks he's getting from the developer community and how Craig's bill would screw that up, and, voile! Bill is withdrawn!

    Maybe you can give this enough thought to wonder why the voters of this state put these limits on legislators in the first place. After all, if you are to be believed, the people of this state bought and paid for the legislators, right? There's NO WAY anyone ELSE could influence them by writing $10,000 checks.... right?

    You need to prove your allegations of quid pro quo, otherwise that's just libel.

    I'm sorry... doesn't the Clark County Democrat Party have classes on common sense? How about the development of the smell test?

    I tell you what.... next time you see ol' Steve.... why don't you screw up enough courage to ask him?

    That's right.... just walk up to him and say something like, "Steve, I'm concerned about the massive amount of money you've raised from developers and how little you've raised from the just plain common folk. Could you tell me why you're taking so much money from these people and what they expect in return for it?"

    Go on... I dare you.

    You failure to address whether or not Mielke is running against the developers proves my point -- Mielke is *THE* developer candidate.

    it proves nothing, of course. Who is or is not a groups candidate can best be determined by reviewing their PDC's. Money talks, after all, and huge money talks absolutely.


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