Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Vancouver's mayor throws a fit in a bizarre attempt to "gain respect."

It is a sorry state of affairs indeed when the mayor of Vancouver feels compelled to engage in juvenile histrionics in an abortive bid to gain “respect.”

IMHO, as long as Vancouver has a mayor that sued the people of that city to silence their opposition to the Pollard Hilton, it isn’t worthy of respect.

As long as Vancouver is saddled with a jerk for mayor who believes in, and rather stupidly stated during a “state of the city” speech that those who weren’t thrilled with his little dictatorship could hit the road, it isn’t worthy of respect.

And engaging in this public, childish idiocy does nothing for the city and subjects it’s Taliban-style mayor to public ridicule. ("Look at that simple idiot. Can you believe that nonsense?”)

Sadly, it will take a great deal more then breaking a few cups for THIS mayor to gain ANY respect.

Vancouver, Wash., mayor smashes coffee mugs in bid for respect
Jul 13, 9:09 AM EDT

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) -- Mayor Royce E. Pollard didn't find what he wanted at one Starbucks, so off he went to another, paid $20 and change for two Portland, Ore., souvenir mugs and smashed them to bits.

Pollard's stunt Tuesday was part of his campaign to get more respect for a city in the dual shadow of its much larger neighbor across the river from Portland and its even larger namesake 250 miles to the north in British Columbia.

After bashing the mugs against each other inside a garbage can by the front door and picking up the few pieces that escaped, Pollard got what he wanted: Starbucks announced the removal of Portland cups from all 15 of its Clark County locations and 13 licensed sites in grocery stores and other outlets.

"We understand the mayor's concern," said Martha Nielsen, Starbucks regional marketing manager in - where else? - Portland.

"Mainly these cups are collectors items," Nielsen said. "People collect them as they travel around the country, but we made the decision to pull the mug. The last thing we want to do is offend anyone."

Pollard started steaming six weeks ago when he got a call from a business operator, Arch Miller, who noticed some Portland mugs on display at the Starbucks in Garrison Square.


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