Thursday, July 14, 2005

Columbian blows the call on Pollard's idiocy: In Our View: Message in Mugs

The Columbian, typically, has their collective face so close to Pollard's behind that a sudden-stop inevitably would lead to some brown transfering to their collective nose.

Pollard came across like a political clown in holding his public snit over a completely unimportant issue that gained this town nothing but increased ridicule amongst government watchers.

The Columbian shares in that idiocy by encouraging those types of antics on the part of those incapable of using more serious, thoughtful approaches to community pride then silencing and insulting critics, both of the city's government and our august fishwrapper.

In Our View: Message in Mugs

Thursday, July 14, 2005
Columbian editorial writers

Rght on, Royce! The celebrated coffee-mug smasher generated some much-needed attention to Vancouver's drive toward independence.

If Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard had broken Portland coffee mugs only on impulse at the Uptown Village Starbucks on Tuesday, he could be criticized for just throwing a tantrum. But the cup-smashing was premeditated, and it served as a ceremonial affirmation.

For six weeks the mayor had tried in vain to stop the sale of Starbucks' Portland coffee mugs here in "America's Vancouver." His reasoning was as simple as it was predictable: "Vancouver is the fourth-largest city in Washington, and people better start showing a little respect."

More... (If you've got a strong stomach.)

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