Thursday, July 14, 2005

More democrat hypocrisy: where's the outcry?

How QUICK our local democrats were to condemn Tom Mielke for moving into commissioner district 3 to run for county commissioner.

Brian Wolfe, earstwhile democrat lawyer, publically announces that he will be doing the same thing to run for port commissioner... and how do our neighborhood democrats respond?

With a stunning, earth-shaking, resounding silence.

Wolfe is, after all, a democrat. And when democrats engage in "carpetbagging," why, that's "different."

Daily Roundup

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
from Columbian's wire services


Attorney announces plans to run for port commission

Longtime Vancouver attorney Brian Wolfe says he's going to

sell his home and relocate inside District No. 1 of the Port of Vancouver and run for that district's port commission seat. Wolfe would be a candidate for the position being vacated by Bob Moser, who said earlier this year he would not run for re-election.

Wolfe has been a board member of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Identity Clark County and a founder of the Columbia River Economic Development Council.


  1. Ohhh...., so in your little world, you've just provided proof that the issue ISN'T the principle of carpetbagging... but is, instead, the principle of partisanship?

    Why does it matter if it's a partisan or non-partisan race? You people had NO problem forwarding Jeannie Harris's name for consideration for Pridemore's commissioner seat... NO problem supporting Paul Waadveg against Benton... and you'll have NO problem supporting Wolfe in his bid for Port Commissioner.

    And that, of course, makes you hypocrites.


  2. Wow -- you've been living in some kind of bubble, so let me put it to you straight regarding the Jeanne Harris "nomination".

    The county commissioners requested THREE names be put forward. Jeanne decided to run, pure and simple. Steve Stuart was far and away the leading vote getter in the appointment process.

    Yeah? And? So what? Did that stop you people from PRESENTING her name for consideration? She COULD have been selected… a selection YOUR party would have supported… by virtue of presenting her name in the FIRST place. If you people didn’t support HER carpetbagging aims, then WHY DID YOU SUBMIT HER NAME FOR CONSIDERATION?

    At least when Mielke wins, it will be a result of the vote of the people, and not the back room deals that are perfectly OK when the people under consideration are democrats.

    See… you can’t have it both ways. If it is in ANY way wrong for Mielke to run, then it is in EVERY way wrong for you people to have submitted the name of someone with EXACTLY the same record and EXACTLY the same residence issues. The difference is, of course, because SHE is a democrat.

    Your institutional double standard is well-known; the fact that she was not selected does not in any way lessen the impact of the FACT that YOUR PARTY submitted the name of someone for consideration to be a county commissioner almost IMMEDIATELY after she had lost a county commissioner election; AND while she didn’t even live in the commissioner district in question.
    At least Mielke bought a house there.

    There is no difference in the circumstance. And the double standard? Well, that is the very definition of hypocrisy.

    Sorry to burst YOUR bubble.

    Waadevig faced a rather serious primary challenge, and ran against the party establishment.

    And? So what? He DIDN’T LIVE HERE, and in fact, STILL DOESN’T LIVE HERE, and if he runs against Jim Dunn, he STILL WON’T LIVE HERE. And how many of you, establishment or no, condemned him for that? We all know the answer to THAT question.

    And when Mielke wins, he will have faced a rather serious general election… but the people will have spoken. And that’s more important, in my opinion, then just the party hacks that appointed Stuart.

    The issue is carpetbagging, allegedly. Unless you hold your OWN candidates to the same standard you hold Mielke, then you’ve again met the very definition of “hypocrite.”

    You seem to assume that there is some kind of preordained selection process for Democratic candidates. The reality is far removed from that.

    What I seem to think is that you people use the same process we do under the new system. What I seem to think that is that Mielke’s “carpetbagging“ exploits are no better or worse then those of Harris and Waadveg. What I think is that you give your own people a pass when they engage in PRECISELY the same conduct because of just that: they’re YOUR people.

    Back to Mielke. Not only did he carpet bag -- but he ran rough shod over party regulars in the 49th LD. I submit that the candidate selection process on the Republican side *IS* preordained. Why then the Kathy McDonald challenge at the nomination pageant??

    So, you don’t believe Stuart’s appointment wasn’t “preordained?” I knew about it as soon as the list was published.

    Kathy McDonald is a big girl. No one made her withdraw… she could have campaigned for the slot and, in fact, she COULD still file.

    In the end, though, the facts are these: In the last general election, you people supported an obvious and blatant carpetbagger when he ran against Benton and you would have peed your collective pants had he won.

    The next fact is this: Jeannie Harris had just lost to Marc Boldt and didn’t live in Pridemore’s commissioner district any more then Mielke, and you people submitted her name for consideration for Pridemore’s seat ANYWAY, thus proving you had NO problem with HER carpetbagging efforts.

    It’s only an issue for you because Mielke is an R, period. No matter that the decision will ultimately be made by ALL of the voters of Clark County.

    Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but all that speaks for itself.

    Thanks for playing. Next?

  3. You need to check yourself for rabies, cuz you're foaming at the mouth.


    Once again, and for the last time, there WAS AND IS NO RULE TO PREVENT Jeanne Harris from trying to become appointed county commissioner. Of course in the Soviet People's Chamber of Deputies otherwise known as the local Republican Party, that would never happen. And don't argue otherwise, I've attended your precinct caucuses. There is absolutely no dissension from the "party line" on the Republican side. Discipline is fine, but you guys are wearing straight jackets.

    Step away from the bong.

    My point, which you refuse to get (not capable of getting?) is the simple and obvious HYPOCRISY of the situation.

    THERE IS NO RULE TO PREVENT Tom Mielke from running for county commissioner, either, but you people damned sure ACT like there is.

    Listen… it is HYPOCRITICAL to complain about someone doing something that you, yourself, have either done or supported someone else doing.

    My point is that you people can cloud the issues all you want… bitch like cut cats for all I care.

    But know this: the people can smell hypocrites. And given the county democrat party's inability to win Leg seats or most statewide races around here, maybe you folks ought to get your noses checked.

    As to Steve being preordained, uh uh, he outworked the other candidates for the appointment, pure and simple.

    Bull. He had it in the bag from day one. And, of course, were I to tell you that Mielke’s campaign far and away was ahead of anyone else thinking about running for commissioner, that would have exactly the same impact on you.

    Now, was Jeanne's move smart? Of
    course not, and local Democrats informed her of that.

    Then (and I’ll type slow here)


    There is a very SIMPLE way to impress upon Ms. Harris that her “move” wasn’t “smart.”

    Don’t. Forward. Her. Name.

    That not only sends the “message” of “not smart,” it keeps you away from all the unpleasantness on the hypocrisy issue.

    Just imagine how much more impact your local party’s bogus righteous indignation would have if you didn’t have Harris and Waadveg hanging around your collective neck?

    The fact is, the other side WILL ALWAYS MAKE AN ISSUE OF CARPETBAGGING. That's politics my friend, something you seem to know plenty about. But whining about how Democrats use the carpet bagger label isn't going to make us relent.

    Oh, by all means, continue. And the more you engage in the practice… the easier it will be to paint you folks for the hypocrites you are.

    Your call.


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