Sunday, July 03, 2005

BS rides to the rescue! Local View: Pridemore view on growth plan wrong

I was a bit torn when I read the obviously stung musings of Commissioner B.S. Morris in response to former Commissioner, now State Senator “Balanced the state budget on the backs of the poor and powerless while I voted yes” Craig Pridemore’s (D-Vancouver) detailed indictment of Morris and her erstwhile young protégé’, appointed Commissioner Steve Stuart.

For those of you who may not recall, Sen. Pridemore portrayed, accurately, as it turns out, both Stuart and Morris as developer sellouts.

Well, we all know Morris is in the developer’s pockets… they own her, lock, stock and barrel.

Stuart, on the other hand, was alleged to be quite the environmentalist+… until it was discovered that fully 7/8’s of his campaign fund has been directly provided by developers or their allies.

This, of course, is where the accuracy of the sellout description cannot be denied. B.S., however, must engage in damage control by attempting to spin her efforts along with those of Stuart’s to kill the Pridemore-Stanton crafted GMA plan.

Look, I’ll be the first to admit that the PS plan was bogus from the beginning, wholly unrealistic and using assumptions that a blind man would know in a minute to be a crock. But that’s not really the point, is it? The point is that Stuart was alleged to be a heavyweight enviro type. Now? Well, now, this particular emperor seems to be without clothes… and no amount of spin by B.S. Morris will get this guy a new wardrobe.

Local View: Pridemore view on growth plan wrong
Sunday, July 3, 2005
By Betty Sue Morris

Former county commissioner and current State Sen. Craig Pridemore wrote a recent guest column for The Columbian that sharply criticized the new Board of County Commissioners' intent to re-do the county comprehensive plan.

Pridemore, no doubt, has pride of authorship in the existing plan and is angry and frustrated to see it undone. I understand how he feels. I felt the same way in 1995 when the new majority in the Legislature gutted the 1994 state Health Care Reform package I had spent four years helping develop. Pridemore's sense of being powerless in his new role as senator probably compounds those feelings.

Though I might have expected Pridemore's rude comments about me from a campaign opponent rather than a fellow elected Democrat, I've grown used to his volatility and outbursts. It was Commissioner Steve Stuart to whom Pridemore did the real disservice.


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