Friday, June 24, 2005

When I read crap like this, I can understand why that idiot refered to women "wearing white like any other kitchen appliance."

Babs Boxer (D-naturally, CA) Is a leading example of the Leftist fringe scum infesting the democrat party. Read this tripe from her, and you'll see why.

Barbara Boxer Interview

Ruth Conniff
From the July 2005 Issue

In her third term in the U.S. Senate, Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, has come out swinging, the most visible and vocal opponent of the Republicans and George W. Bush in Washington, D.C. The petite, Brooklyn-born grandmother won a landslide reelection victory in 2004, receiving the third-highest number of votes in the nation, right behind John Kerry and George W. Bush. She wasted no time before she got down to the business of opposing the President. On January 6, she joined Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Democrat of Ohio, in objecting to the certification of Ohio’s electoral votes in the 2004 Presidential election. It was the beginning of what activists dubbed “The Boxer Rebellion.” On Valentine’s Day, fans sent 4,500 roses to Boxer’s office, as thanks for her stand against voter disenfranchisement and for talking back to the Bush Administration. She hasn’t let them down since.

More (If you can stomach it)...

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