Friday, June 24, 2005

Newspaper cluelessness continues - The Seattle PI blows it: Iraq Occupation: This war can't be won

It's reasonably clear to me that the media learned nothing from Vietnam.

The media was a major reason (Not the only reason, but a major reason) why we lost that war... and why we may, ultimately, lose this one.

The PI has, apparently, signed on to the Kucinich Approach, a harbinger of a strange and wonderful world that *I* thought no one but ol' Dennis could see.

They actually believe that withdrawal, followed by a massive infusion of aid will solve all of this.

What monumental arrogance.

A withdrawal now will lead to an immediate, extensive and bloody civil war... a war where retribution will be the order of the day, and the murderous terrorist scum who will inevitably win such a conflagration, will then hunt down and slaughter anyone even perceived to have helped the Coalition.

The PI, like most on the Left, are short-sighted and blindered by their hatred of Bush. They would advocate the deaths of tens of thousands for their political agenda.

Things are not going well in Iraq. And a HUGE part of that is caused by editorials like this one... by Leftists like Durbin, Kennedy and Reid.

Do the writers of this irresponsible pap even begin how damaging it is to our troops in the field? How this kind of nonsense strengthens our enemies?

What am I saying? Of COURSE they do. That's why they're doing it.

Otherwise, why would they use the musings of two-internationally renown foreign and domestic policy experts like these two?

No.... wait... these two don't know jack about either of those fields... they're OIL workers, for God's sake. Taking their word as having any meaning on this issue is as idiotic as listening to anyone on Air America, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon or Martin Sheen, nice guys all, but totally without education, background or experience in the areas they shoot off their collective mouths on the most.

Iraq Occupation: This war can't be won


The questions about U.S. presence in Iraq aren't about winning or losing. The driving factor must be improving, protecting and respecting the lives of the Iraqi people.

Those are people such as Hassan Juma Awad and Faleh Abood Umara, two oil worker union leaders from the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Visiting Seattle with the King County Labor Council yesterday, the two men had no doubt about what the United States can do next to help their country recover from the reign of Saddam Hussein, whom Awad refers to as "a criminal, in capital letters."

The occupation, they believe, must end. And withdrawal must be followed by a massive rebuilding of Iraq's infrastructure, with U.S. support.


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