Saturday, June 25, 2005

If even Clinton gets it, what's wrong with the rest of the neo-comm scum?

Even Bill Clinton doesn't believe that Bush lied about Iraq. So, how come Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde and the Leftist scum in Congress can't figure it out?

World will be better off when peace reached in Iraq: Clinton

Santiago, June. 25 (AP): Former US President Bill Clinton, has said the world and Iraqi people will be better off once peace is reached in Iraq.

He said yesterday he thinks President George W Bush ordered the attack on Iraq genuinely convinced that its President Saddam Hussein was storing arms of mass destruction.

Answering questions from three Chilean newsmen after addressing a gathering a crowd of some 2,000 made up mainly of business executives, Clinton said the main errors by the Bush administration regarding Iraq were miscalculating both the world reaction and "how hard it would be to gain peace."

But once peace is reached, "the world will be better off, the Iraqi people will be better off," Clinton said.


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