Monday, May 02, 2005

From the Right Corner: This is Rod Van Mechelen's first and only response to my blog entry.

In his response, he shows an astounding level of ignorance over what's going on down here on his behalf. He refuses to address the main issues and furthers the Tribe's position that they do not give a damn about the people of Clark County.

He ends his sorry effort by telling me that the issues I raised are not worth his discussion and he will not respond further... which is, of course, his privlege, but altogether typical of the level of arrogance his Tribe has exhibited thus far in their efforts to jam their mega-casino down our collective throat.

Who... Me? said: That may very well be, except, of course, La Center and the planned Mega-Casino aren’t IN Cowlitz County… they’re in CLARK County… which serves to illustrate one of the biggest problems:

Rod replies: We've already dealt with the "Cowlitz County" v "Cowlitz Country" misunderstand, so, moving on: There is no planned "Mega-Casino." I hope you will join me in having a good conversation without hyperbole.

Hyperbole such as referring to this area as “Cowlitz Country?” Got it. I mean, archeological digs have exposed Cowlitz village after Cowlitz village on the property in question… haven’t they? Well, maybe they haven’t, but, what the heck… the access from the freeway is a heck of a lot more important then a little ol’ thing like historical accuracy, isn’t it?

Hyperbole like your claim that there is no “planned Mega-Casino?” Sorry, Rod… I always understood the largest of anything to qualify as “Mega.” For example, the first phase of Casino construction will, by itself, result in the largest casino in the Western United States.

See, Rod, it wasn’t until a few days AFTER the county commissioners down here stupidly signed the MOU that the Tribe kind of let us in on the secret.

Not that we ever believed them… I mean, how much sense did it make to buy 152 acres and then try to get us to believe that the plan only developed 7? Yeah… that was a “good neighborly” scam to try and pull.

Given the history of the Mohegans and the multiple expansions of THEIR “Mega-Casino” (which, I’m given to understand, holds the title of “largest casino on Earth,” or some such as a result of their multiple expansions… multiple expansions the casino HERE would be able to engage in unfettered by restriction in the event this land gets your sought-after “initial reservation” status.) it is reasonable to expect that the Cowlitz would follow suit… again, impacts be damned.

Who... Me? said: Those who don’t live here… and, except for standing to financially benefit from this, will not have to deal with ANY of the effects of this development, telling those of us who DO live here what to do. YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE. How EASY it is for you to tell those of us who DO live here what is best for us. How DARE you?

Rod replies: In response to my most recent letter, you accused me of that. This is very interesting, and I hope you can explain it to me.

Simple enough.

You don’t live here. In fact, you don’t live anywhere close to here.

With the exception of probably realizing a financial benefit from this development, you will not, due to your lack of proximity, realize any of the impacts of the Mega-Casino complex. Your business isn’t at risk of going bankrupt. Your revenue stream isn’t in any danger at all… unlike those of communities in the area here.

You will not have to deal with the traffic, crime, stress on our infrastructure, increased loads on our schools, housing issues nor the local tax shift these things will cause as a result of the mega-casino, the influx of employees and their children and the estimated 19,000 additional vehicles on I-5 and I-205 from between the Columbia River and exit 16… 19,000 additional one way trips (meaning 19,000 return trips) on an already overburdened system.

No… you won’t have to deal with any of that, Rod. And your Tribe has offered to pay for precious little of those impacts. And since THEY won’t pay… guess who will?

We will, Rod. Those of us who live here.

I don’t know how to make it any plainer, so I sincerely hope this will do.

In my letter, I wrote, "Won't you help us?" Now, I saw this as extending the hand of friendship and an invitation. But you're describing it as "telling those of us who DO live here what to do." I don't understand how you arrived at that conclusion.

Simple: Like every other tribal gaming advocate, you bashed I-892. In fact, you personally went on to write:

“I 892 is a short term solution that will create a host of long term problems. It will bring gambling into local neighborhoods, increase the amount of gambling, encourage more people to gamble, and ultimately enrich a relative few.”

So… we are to HELP your Tribe accomplish that which you condemn I-892 for?

No. No help. Total opposition.

You see Rod, I’m not real big on a double standard. I’m not a hypocrite. If non-tribal gaming equal to that of the Tribal variety is bad for us… our society… our people… then, I would have to say that a Mega-Casino where a “relative few” stand to benefit is just as bad… and should be fought just as hard.

Unlike yourself, I don’t want any of these things to happen, even when the “relative few” that stand to be “enriched” happen to be you and other members of your Tribe.

On one hand, when it suits your interests, you tell us how bad gambling is. Then, on the other, you advocate it here… Here being about 85 miles south of where YOU live. So, in the end, your “hand of friendship” is based upon your situational ethics and your double- standard.

In short… keep it.

Who... Me? said: YOU will not have to deal with the increased crime rate… we will. YOU will not have to deal with the loss of revenue to the county and the cities directly impacted by this development… we will. YOU do not stand to see YOUR business go under because of this economic leviathan… WE do. YOU will not suffer increased taxes because the Casino is sucking up our social, police and school services…. WE will.

Rod replies: Please forgive me if I missed something, but in Mr. Fox's report on Saturday, didn't he portray a very different reality from the one you describe?

Uhhhh…. No, but thanks for asking.

Among other things he pointed out were a requirement that schools teach bilingual education in 32 different languages. He also mentioned that a local police department had to increase their staffing level by 25%.

He didn’t really talk about the devastating effects on the city of La Center, now primarily dependent on the revenue from their four cardrooms.

Further, Mr. Fox is a self-acknowledged tribal advocate, even going so far to admit his background with tribal development and operation while working for the Puyallup Tribe… clearly, his advocacy is based on his past experience of having his bread buttered on a certain side and in a certain way. Is it, after all, sheer coincidence that the newly minted city manager of Ridgefield just happens to have a tribal gaming background?

The terrible weakness in the presentation was also this: The delegation went to the Mohegan development area 10 years AFTER the invasion of the casinos.

The businesses bankrupted by the casinos and those who operated those businesses are long since gone.

Who... Me? said: Rod, there is one, absolutely undeniable fact: if you and your Tribe wanted to be “good neighbors,” then you would not be attempting to gain the LEAST restrictive designation for the land the Tribe wants. ... If you and the Tribe WANTED to be good neighbors, then you and the Tribe would be demanding that the land in question fall under Section 20 of the IGRA. THAT’S what a “good neighbor” would do. Section 20 would require consideration of the ALL of the impacts of the mega-casino development BEFORE permission was granted to build it. But NOOOOooo….. you people want an “initial reservation.” ... But then, the least restrictive option does nothing of the kind. You knew that, right, Rod?

Rod replies: What I know, is that there is no "mega-casino development," but that the Cowlitz Tribe have called the lands of Southwest Washington home since time immemorial, we have been patient and determined, our leaders secured formal acknowledgment as a federally recognized tribe on February 14, 2000, and our tribal members are returning home. As will I.

You’re not answering the question, Rod. Are you not aware that your Tribe is attempting to get the LEAST RESTRICTIVE CLASSIFICATION FOR THIS LAND?

Simple question, really.

Yes… or no?

Because if you WEREN’T aware (and I find THAT hard to believe) you are aware NOW.

And, since you ARE aware NOW, how do you explain that effort in light of your alleged “good neighbor” position?

And, as for “returning home” (Remember your warning about hyperbole?) are you moving down here if this casino plan is denied?

Who... Me? said: Are you aware of the threats David Barnett has issued? Are you aware that he has referred to those who oppose this Mega-Casino as “racists?”

Rod replies: There is no "Mega-Casino" to oppose. But I understand that you mean those who oppose the proposed Cowlitz Casino. When and where were these alleged threats and accusation of being "racists" made?

OK, Rod… PLEASE live up to your own requirement. The largest casino in the Western United States IS a “Mega-Casino,” unless you have some other definition. Verbally stamping your foot and sticking out your lower lip doesn’t change that.

As for the specifics on Mr. Barnett… Tell you what, Rod. You explain to me what difference that stuff will make to you, personally, and I’ll set about to get some examples.

In short, if I prove my allegations here… exactly what difference will it make? You show me the difference, and I’ll provide the proof. Otherwise, it isn’t worth my time.

Who... Me? said: Sorry, Rod… good neighbors don’t lie like Phil did at the Roundtable on Saturday, when he claimed that the Cowlitz had voluntarily decided, on their own, to get a full Environmental Impact Statement. When he said that, he blatantly lied, in front of God and the CVTV cameras…. And the NEPA representative from the BIA that was in attendance confirmed it when she said that she was “sorry,” but that she, personally had prepared the letter from Mr. Spears requesting that the Tribe do the EIS.

Rod replies: Evidently, you missed the off-microphone portion of that conversation. June explained that she wrote a letter recommending this to Mr. Speaks. Before this recommendation was made to us, however, we communicated our intention to them to do the EIS. Hence, both June and Phil told the truth.

What was said ON camera was something like this: “I prepared the letter for Mr. Speaks’ signature.”

Thus, they both could not be telling the truth.

Who... Me? said: Good neighbors do not threaten to get their way, Rod. And good neighbors do not lie. ... The Tribe has done both for months, and as recently as Saturday, at least attempted to engage in falsehood.

Rod replies: I certainly agree that good neighbors do not lie, and as I demonstrated above, we have not lied.

Hardly. And this concerns me. As I stated before, no amount of negative impact on the local community will make any difference to you or your Tribe in placing this casino here. It’s what you want… and anything else is secondary to that.

But were I to threaten to call the police if my upstairs neighbor didn't stop making too much noise late at night, I don't think that would make me a bad neighbor, do you?

Which has exactly what to do with anything?

Like I said, Rod… tell me what difference it will make. Tell me what it will affect. Tell me that if I can prove my assertions you will do everything you can to stop this development.

Otherwise… I’m wasting my time.

Who... Me? said: The issue is that your Tribe has and is attempting to bully its way into changing the shape of MY HOME forever… effects on the people and businesses of the area be damned.

Rod replies: You've made numerous allegations, none supported by any evidence, which I believe makes them your opinion. And I respect your right to your opinions. I just don't happen to agree with them, but I do hope that as time goes by you will change your mind.

Again, Rod…. Since you distort reality to fit your perceptions, and, since I understand that no level of proof would “satisfy” you, here’s where I point out that none of YOUR responses are supported by any evidence either, which, come to think of it, makes this all your opinion. And I hope, in time, that the continuing hostility to your plans and that of your Tribe will make you and your Tribe reconsider and move the mega-casino to where it belongs.

Who... Me? said: The issue is that you fire off your letters to the editor from Bellevue or Olympia or wherever the hell it is that you live, telling US how to live… what we should think… and what we should believe.

Rod replies: You keep alleging that. I'm very interested to read your explanation of how you interpret anything I've written or said as telling you how to live, what to think and what to believe. The Creator provides many teachers from whom we can learn, and maybe you can teach me something.


OK, Rod, I’ll bite.

1. I said you write letters from “Bellevue or Olympia or wherever the hell it is that you live.” You do not deny that.

2. I said you do not live here. You do not deny that.

3. I said your letters are “telling US how to live,” which, given the impact of your Tribe’s Mega-Casino and retail complex of over 3 million square feet, with the subsequent problems that will cause, your efforts through your letter-writing exploits are, in effect, telling us how to live… in that you want us to accept this mafia-type operation that can ignore every local law or land use rule while it seeks the least restrictive designation possible… all of which impacting the lives of thousands of people here who, having actually lived here a single day, have a stronger claim to this land then any Cowlitz tribal Member alive today who doesn’t own a home here.

There… that enough?

Who... Me? said: The FACT of the matter is this: there is NO damage… NO negative consequence to the people, businesses or economy of this area that would make you or any other tribal member think this is a bad idea.

Rod replies: I believe that's what the EIS will determine.

Again, you don’t answer the question

Is there any particular level of damage you people could inflict on those of us who actually live here that would get you to change your mind?

Please. I’m dying to know.

I mean, I can explain in detail what it would take to get me to SUPPORT your mega-casino… you should be able to describe in detail what it would take to get you to oppose it.

You won’t, of course, because, as I’ve pointed out, there’s no level of damage you could inflict upon us that can change your mind.

All in the interests of being a good neighbor, you understand.

Who... Me? said: Because at the end of the day, you just don’t give a damn… and neither does David Barnett or the rest of the Tribe. You want what you want, and to hell with US.

Rod replies: I'm very sorry you feel that way.

I’m very sorry you’re not telling me I’m wrong. But that’s hard for you to do… when I’m being accurate.

Who... Me? said: I look forward to your response and your reaction to the Tribe’s efforts to bludgeon their way into OUR home… a home that the Cowlitz had never known and wouldn’t give a damn about NOW if it weren’t on a freeway exit.

Rod replies: As I wrote before, this is our homeland.

And, as I’ve said before…. It isn’t. That you write it is meaningless, although I do admire the devotion to the Goebbels aspect of your repeated, unsupported-by-facts statement.

We're not here to reverse history, but to build upon it. Nor are we here to take anything away from anybody.


If you weren’t here to do THAT VERY THING, then you would be demanding a Section 20 designation that would require tribal development plans to be viewed in terms of impact. Clearly, your Tribe does NOT want such a designation BECAUSE THEY DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT US. The demand of an “initial reservation” is location shopping at its worst. And the fact is that if you and your Tribe cared about us or this community… You would voluntarily accept a Section 20 designation. But… we both know THAT will never happen.

I could GIVE a rip about what you, Barnett or your Tribe SAYS. What I CARE about is what you people DO. And your actions in this matter speak volumes.

If you weren’t here “to take anything from anybody,” your Tribe would agree to abide by county land-use laws and regulations. Your Tribe would agree to reimburse ALL costs, at ANY time, for the damage they inflict… the demands on the infrastructure… the taxes they do NOT have to pay. Your Tribe would agree to live by the laws and rules of our state’s minimum wage law, B&O tax, L&I regulations and costs… not to mention unemployment... Your Tribe would agree to certify as an SEIU organization to run your mega-casino/hotel/events center complex… Not just to suck in support from labor unions for this project because they’ll get the chance to build it, their SEIU brethren be damned. There are, literally, DOZENS of things your Tribe would agree to do if you were not here to “take” things from us… things they will NOT do… because your Tribe does not HAVE to.

We're here to heal what was harmed, and create the means with which to combine the best of our past with the best of the present to create a future that is good for all of us. I hope that, as time goes by your outlook will brighten and your opinion of us will improve. I will stop by to read your replies, and I promise to give any thoughtful comments you make sincere consideration. But my days are long and my responsibilities are many, so this will have to be my final comment to your blog.

Best regards, Rod

I can appreciate your position in this matter, Rod. I know how tough it is for you to defend the indefensible… to distort reality into a nice little package that will allow you, personally, to benefit from your positions at the expense of people you and your Tribe would damage.

While such a position IS intellectually bankrupt, cowardly and immoral… I understand it.

Just like I understand your obvious failure to address the issues at the heart of the matter.

So, hopefully, you’ll forgive me if I forego your “hand of friendship,” so reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s “hand of friendship” to Czechoslovakia.

Course, that didn’t workout all that well for them, either.

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