Monday, April 11, 2005

Yet another example of the tolerance of the Left

For the vision impaired, it says:

Dear Tom Delay,

Please commit suicide.

Sincerely, Everyone.

Yeah... they're tolerant, all right... when you see things their way.

Tip of the hat to the


Anonymous said...

This has already been debunked:

Someone's CafePress t-shirt design does not speak for all of us neo-comms.

Drudge is engaging in distracting the American public from Delay's very real corruption charges.


K.J. Hinton said...

The issue isn't the T-shirt... it's the lack of tolerant among a group that allegedly prides itself on diversity of damned near everything... except ideas that disagree with the uberleftist agenda.

For example, the VERY FIRST COMMENT on that blog (which, in reality, proves nothing... the blog, that is... am I supposed to just take their word for it?) is this:

"my advice. mark down carefully anyone who supports tom delay in any way. when delay is gone, lets hang his supporters too.

Comment by billy — April 11th, 2005 @ 6:01 pm"

The T-shirt merely illustrated a prevailing attitude on the part of most on the left.

Thanks for writing.

Anonymous said...

That's incorrect, as you know, extremists on both sides are never tolerant. You're quoting something out of context, and for all we know this could be just some front group who set up a blog to make us Neo-Comms look bad. I would not put it past Rove or his ilk to pull something like that to distract us from Delay's unending ethical problems.

I dislike Delay as do the majority of Americans, especially as they learn more about the Bugman. To suggest that I, or my neo-comm friends wish his or his supporters physical demise is just plain incorrect. Quite frankly, we hope he twists in the wind well into the '06 campaign season.

This is starting to take on shades of '96 when all you had to do was show images of Gingrich when running for Congress. The sooner Republican can put Delay behind them, the better for them. There is only so much that the mainstream media can do to paper over Delay's political and ethical troubles.