Saturday, August 10, 2024

One of the major pitches from the left, aimed at minorities that I see, repeatedly, is that they have to vote for Roundheels because she's "black" and a woman.

I don't give a damn if she's green. I don't care what her reproductive organs are. What I care about is what she's done and what she wants to do. What I care about is the Plan.
Where is it? WHAT is it?
She's been part of one of the worst Administrations in American history with disastrous consequences that will take decades to recover.
In this instance, what would be the response if Trump or his surrogates were going around claiming you have to vote for Trump because he's white? Or male?
How is the Kamala voting requirement any different from a similar requirement for Trump?
I know what Trump will do because he's done it. I'm reminded most every time I buy something. It's the same standard I apply to ANY politician at ANY level, including the Mattress. I know what Roundheels will do because of both what she HAS done.... and what she has failed to do.
Why is it that those things don't seem to matter?
How is it that a demand that one color voter votes for the same color candidate not racist? How is it that one gender voter vote for a candidate because of that gender not misandrist? Here's an example: click the picture below.


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