Monday, August 19, 2024

I continue to be astounded that leftists don't believe children are undergoing permanent sterilization and mutilation in the name of fake gender changes.

It never ceases to amaze.

Whenever this issue comes up on social media, a battalion of leftists will continually comment that it's all lies, it's Republican nonsense and that it never happens.

Guess what?

It DOES happen, it HAS happened and it will CONTINUE to happen.

Here in Washington State, the legislature signed the Pro-Child Groomer Bill, where children can be, literally, taken by the state who will then LIE to the child's parents concerning the child's location and the procedures they're undergoing.

Regardless of the parent's wishes.

For the unfortunates who claim children aren't undergoing life-long mutilation and sterilization, you're wrong.
Exclusive of the child-kidnapping laws of Washington State, here's how it was/is going down in Texas: Jay Inslee Sen. Marko Liias Washington State Senate Democrats Washington House democrats

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