Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Portland schools seem to be confused more than usual.

To graduate from Portland schools, you'll get a diploma if you're breathing, and maybe, in the time-honored tradition of democrats, even if you've stopped.

Recently, of course. Portland teachers engaged in that favorite teacher pastime of extorting students by going on strike.

As a result of their usual perfidy, the teachers lose no money and in fact, as a result of their illegal strike (public employees, which teachers inarguably are, legally can't go on strike) they are further enriched at taxpayer... and student... expense.
HOWEVER, since the State of Oregon believes that holding students accountable for their academic efforts is racist somehow, they've instituted a rule that, in fact, (as per the woke practice of everyone getting a trophy, even the last place contestant) no graduation requirements will be in place and as a result, everyone graduates.
This, naturally, turns an Oregon high school diploma into a worthless placemat at an all-you-can-eat restaurant, but hey, when you're sentencing your children to avoidance of POSSIBLY being offended, what else can you do?
The end result?
Both students AND teachers are blowing off the strike "make up days" (there are, apparently, rules concerning the number of days schools in Oregon have to be open in a given year) so that the teachers, having extorted bigger and obviously undeserved paychecks, can actually do their time to get paid.
I can totally get students blowing off this massive waste of time.

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