Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Memo to Congresswoman Perez, (WA03): here's your opportunity to shine! Get the list of congressional lowlifes who used taxpayer funds to pay off their sexual assault victims.

It would appear that some names are going to be named concerning Epstein flights.

As they should be.

But there is another list out there that seems to avoid discussion nearly as much as the Lolita flight logs... a list , in my opinion, that is even more nefarious.

And what list might that be?

The list of Congressmembers who used millions of taxpayer dollars to pay off their sexual assault/sexual harassment victims.

I repeatedly requested that list from our erstwhile former congresswoman, Jaime Herrera.

Didn't get it, of course, but I asked.

Now, our fringe-left, antifa-supporting representative, Marie Perez has an outstanding opportunity to prove her superiority of representation over the 12-year waste of space she replaced be producing the list in question in conjunction with the Epstein List.

After all, leftist women generally are known for their situational ethics when it comes to supporting women's rights, are they not?

Well, here's your chance, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez Marie Gluesenkamp Perez for Congress.

Show us what you've got. After all, it's alleged the over 200 victims, presumably entirely women, actually received cash settlements.

But I'm not holding my breath for you, either.

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