Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Will wonders never cease: Biden Administration to build the Wall.

Yes, THAT wall: The wall anyone to the left of Jefferson professed to hate (understandably given their wide-open border, illegal alien vote program) designed to make it more difficult for illegal aliens to arrive at this destination resort the left insists on providing.

Well, unless those same illegals are heading to New York.  Then?

Not so much.

So it was something of a lightning bolt to actually see this on Drudge:

Imagine that.

But it's twu, it's twu! (Hat tip to Madeline Kahn - IYKYK)

Clearly, even the illegal alien vote getters on the left have figured it out. The idiot running NYC for example, Eric Adams (A pittiful sloul, like so many leftists, in far over his head) has been sniveling nonstop over what's happened to his city.

But then, anyone with two functioning brain synapses knew this was going to happen.

Adams, for his part, instead of doing what he SHOULD be doing (advocating for the immediate deportation of these illegals and a lock down of the border) merely snivels about more money.

Well, maybe they need more cash. But this is a state issue, not a federal problem, and I'm sure the grateful taxpayers of this Sanctuary State/City... with political leadership who ASKED for this to happen... would be thrilled to step up and open their wallets.

For his part, Adams, hat-in-hand, wants a few bucks to tide NYC over. $12 BILLION ought to do it:
"Adams said the $12 billion has to come from somewhere."

May I suggest Albany, Mt. Mayor?

That said, the biggest question the leftists are going to have wrestle now is this:

What took them so long to figure out what every other sentient being already knew?

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