Sunday, October 01, 2023

The Democratian's hatred of the right again on full display.

For years now, the Democratian has regaled us with the line that they, as an organization, have precisely zero bias in their politics, and their attacks on those to the right of Mao are honest and sincerely based on sober reflection as opposed to their endemic, institutional efforts to portray Republicans as scum generally, and conservatives particularly as dregs of the earth.

The lie that they lack fringe-left political bias is easily proven.  This blog is rife with the kind of tales of Democratian hatred towards Republicans and their manifold efforts to either ignore leftist thuggery (Oddly, their efforts to cover for then state Rep. Jim Jacks, forced to resign over his mistreatment of female staffers in Olympia... first broken here in my meager effort... and consistently ignored, belittled, or covered up by the local version of Pravda Izvestiya until they were forced to concede the truth that *I* provided.... SIX YEARS AFTER IT HAPPENED... ) or downplay it or turn it into some sort of leftist victimhood.

Who can forget their so-called endorsement of a guy who didn't even live in the 17th District but who had a D after his name and who was running against hated CRC Scam opponent and conservative Don Benton, then state Senator:

“...although sincere and well-intentioned, lacks even a rudimentary understanding of the important policy questions for Southwest Washington and the state. About the only attribute in his favor is the fact that he’s not Don Benton. And on that admittedly flimsy basis, we endorse Peterson.”

Yes, these things happened a LOOOONG time ago (The anti-endorsement endorsement of a Benton opponent merely because he wasn't Benton was 2000, and the Jim Jacks cover-up started with his forced resignation in 2011) that merely sets the table as cornerstone examples of the fringe-left hatred The Cancer on Clark County has expressed for decades, dozens of other examples notwithstanding.

So, it was no real surprise that the Democratian's local version of Goebbels would use terminology like this in trashing both David Madore (An institutional icon for leftist hatred generally and Democratian hatred particularly) and Joe Kent.

"But mostly, judging by her first week as a candidate, she is focused on defeating “progressive Perez.” That, of course, is the goal of all area Republicans, even if it requires labeling one of the most centrist Democrats in the House with an oxymoron."

It takes a great deal of chutzpah to label a fringe-left #antifa supporting thug as "centrist."

"So Jared, Mary, and I (Perez) actually just took over the Blue Dogs," Gluesenkamp Perez said during the July 31 event, which was hosted by the Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, a group of so-called progressive activists in New York City, and Markers for Democracy. "They basically lost some of their membership before we came in, and we are sort of rebuilding it into – Mary, Jared, and I – are rebuilding it into this sort of antifascist rural [group]."

The Democratian, BEING the Democratian, made no mention of this fact that I can find, because, well, that just blows their meme of a fake centrist democrat (hopefully) flying under the radar.

Leftist newsletter masquerading as a newspaper will, of course, do all they can to get Perez reelected. That's what they've always done when it comes to democrats, real or fake (For example, RINO Jaime Herrera)

And to do it, they'll be selective with facts:

"Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez was the winner of the 3rd Congressional District race last year; Republican Joe Kent was the loser. With both in the race for next year, the general election match up for 2024 has been considered a fait accompli."

A minor detail, deliberately left out?

Kent lost because of the RINO vote, since RINOs despise conservatives as much as the Democratian, by around 2700 votes or so. He also failed to mention that right around $4 million was dropped on the election attacking Kent by outside interests.

Take a moment and ask yourself: had Kent won, does anyone reading the Democratian's tripe believe for one second that Goebbels would have written this about Perez?

And far be it for the Lazy D to miss an opportunity to backhand David Madore, who they hate like few others (And do you note that those they DO hate all seem to have an "R" after their names? Why would an "unbiased" rag not be just a touch more even-handed in their horrific approach to local politics):

"During her 2021 campaign for Camas City Council, Lewallen’s biggest financial supporters (aside from herself) were David Madore and his wife. As a Clark County councilor from 2013-16, Madore embodied the worst traits of the modern Republican Party, seeking to break government to prove that government is broken."

Not unlike the leftist scum at the Democratian embody the "worst traits" of journalism? The kind of thing that makes rags like this one among the least trusted forms of media in the country?

And this beaut:

"And all of which makes a serious Republican challenger to Kent (Lewallen already has the backing of former Secretary of State Sam Reed) a most welcome addition."
This, of course, is a major reason to OPPOSE Lewallen, not to support her... and where, for example does Sam Reed happen to reside?

Not in the 3rd District.

It's easy for others who don't suffer the effects of representation from those they want to ignore the best interests of those they would try to impress.

So, he just another establishment RINO who see's what he wants as important somehow. Just look at how many candidates he's endorsed who, well, actually won.

Generally speaking, time has repeatedly told us that it's always better to oppose the Democratian in every respect. From the CRC/Loot Rail Scam, both a decade ago and now, to the Ballpark rip-off propaganda scam they ran, to bogus, completely biased endorsements, to obvious fringe-left, DNC-style hatred of the GOP, we're all much better off then we ignore Clark County's Carbuncle than we are when we allow them to tell us what to think.. and do.

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