Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It looks like this time, the democrats are reliving the Klan-fill hatred of the old days.

It's no secret the democrats are the party of the Klan. For decades starting with their founding by, the murdered, raped, lynched, burned... actions based entirely on their hatred.

Founded by southern democrats and former Confederate officers, the Klan, made up entirely of democrats, was formed immediately after the Republican's took their slaves away from them in the Civil War.

They were not particularly good losers, especially when it came to rights for what they considered to be their former property.

The Klan and those affiliated with the Klan lynched thousands of people, both blacks and Republicans.

According to the Tuskegee Institute figures, between the years 1882 and 1951, 4,730 people were lynched in the United States: 3,437 Negro and 1,293 white. 3 The largest number of lynchings occurred in 1892. Of the 230 persons lynched that year, 161 were Negroes and sixty-nine whites. 

While the Klan was exclusively murdering blacks and whites who disagreed with them politically, they were capable of, and frequently did, lynch other minorities as well... Mexican, American Indian, Chinese and Japanese descent we're all subjected to this peculiar affinity of the democrat Klan Members.

But times change, and eventually the Klan murderers paid the price for their crimes and gradually, slowly, the surface of the democrat veneer was burnished enough that most forgot. In fact, many blacks were totally taken in by the few efforts the democrats made after lynching stopped being their main hobby and instead, started another form of enslavement that we all know and see.... an enslavement of hatred and gullibility, promising, but not delivering, the moon plus $2. 

Recently, the hatred and bigotry of the left, never too far under the surface, boiled over.

As a result of the horrific slaughter of 1400 Jews... Children, Americans, women and men... all unarmed (for reasons that escape me, considering) that resulted in the worst, single-day destruction of Jews since the democrat's nazi allies engaged in the Holocausts, democrats across the country have let their endemic bigotry and hatred bubble to the surface in ways that cannot be denied.

Democrat support of the slaughter of these innocents is obvious. The crimes these terrorist scum have committed are crimes that impact the conscience of the world.

And some of the more infested with hatred on the left have publicly made their commitment to hatred well known and openly. Doctors, lawyers, professors, universities, bastions of knowledge and, allegedly, truth.

One of these people is a guy name Mike Tosca, a fake woman Associate Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

What was his response to the attack?

The writer of this filth is a teacher.

He is clearly unfit to be engaged in ANY form of teaching.  He clearly has issues. But they're issues that show he. and those who agree with him, cannot be salvaged. His and their overwhelming hatred and average toward Jews has boiled over into THIS country, where the president of a synagogue Detroit was murdered in cold blood 3 days ago, where people have indicated they will refuse to work for Jews "in solidarity with" hamas terrorists. 

(I totally get that's not what this bigot wrote. But nonetheless, that's this substance of his declaration of racist bigotry, particularly interesting since he's black.)

A quick google search will result in hundreds of people publicly expressing their hatred and bigotry and support for the slaughter of these hundreds of innocents.

Others want the Jews of Israel to forget they lost the equivalent which, by percentage of population, had America lost the same number/percentage of dead would have equated in excess of 60,000 people in this country, and act as if it never happened.

In short, had an attack take place in America of relative size and strength, we would be pondering the deaths of over 60,000 of us, instead of the 32 who were actually raped, tortured, beheaded and otherwise murdered.

Those making this demand do so for one, singular reason:

They want hamas to get away with it.

Israel, for their part, no longer has a choice. They must eradicate hamas and do so in such a way that no other group will ever consider taking equivalent action.

The punishment Israel inflicts must impact every segment of muslim society anywhere on earth.

Play time is over. And racist, bigoted, women-oppressive countries like Iran would be well-served to remember that Israel is a nuclear power. They would be well served to read about a place in Israel and understand what Masada was truly all about.

Meanwhile, the truth about the leftists generally and democrat's particularly is out there to see... particularly if you care enough to look.


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