Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blood-thirsty hatred even infests muslim intelligentia.

 This is Dr. Zena Al-Adeeb, DMD, CAGS 

Like many terrorist supporting thugs, her hobby was stealing the posters of those kidnapped by her heroes of hamas, the bloodthirsty scum who slaughtered 1300 unarmed men, women and children.

When she was outed, she was fired immediately and likely faces other professional consequences for supporting the butchers who attacked those civilians and kidnapped at least 200 others.

Another doctor, located in Denmark, of a child burned beyond recognition, was tweeted out by a Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis.

A quick review of her twitter feed shoes a hatred of Israel and their Jewish inhabitants that is difficult to find on anyone not a Himmler-like figure.

This is the variety of mental illness she exhibits. On one day say X, next day says Y.

The NEXT doctor was an ER Doc in New York, one Dr. Dian Diab of Lennox Hill Hospital. I say "was" because the moment her support for the bloodthirsty scum of hamas hit social media, the hospital fired her at warp speed

There are others that can be found via google.

I find these things simply astounding.

Driven by a hatred so deep, they're incapable of controlling themselves in an era of lightning fast social media which they, apparently, had no idea would result in ending them professionally.

All so they could vent their hatred.

All that education and experience wasted.

But that is certainly how deep it goes.

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